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   *emphasis*  :mental communication:


Prologue The boy stumbled through the dark woods, tripping on exposed roots and low shrubs. Normally he was quite agile, but he was injured and the growing weakness in his limbs due to blood loss robbed him of his usual grace. His large violet eyes flicked back and forth wildly, looking first in front of him, then behind. Forward lay an endless expanse of dark, cold, dangerous woods, but he would gladly have welcomed the dangers, if it saved him from what was behind... Behind him he could hear the sounds of pursuit growing louder. He took another faltering step forward, then fell as he wounded leg finally gave out from under him. He swore viciously, trying to get back to his feet, but it was no good. The long gash down the front of his left thigh was still bleeding freely as was the wound on his right palm. He'd been sleeping behind a shed, trying to grab a few hours of rest before resuming his flight across the country. The Special Forces soldiers must have been closer than he'd thought, because he remembered hearing a step, then feeling a sharp blow to the head. When he woke up he'd been bound hand and foot, lying at the edge of the soldier's campfire. It had taken him only a few minutes to slip out of the ropes, and he'd been on his way out of the campsite when he had the bad fortune to run into a pair of soldiers coming back from answering a call of nature, of all things! Someone up there didn't like him. He'd killed them both, but not before receiving the wound to his thigh, and the one to his hand when he used it to deflect a blow that might have killed him. A stupid mistake, that, but one that he was paying for in spades. He'd bound the wounds as best he could with strips of cloth torn from his shirt, but it obviously wasn't good enough. He'd been steadily loosing blood for the last several hours, ever since he escaped the Special Forces, but he was so tired... he shouted silently at himself, and got to his feet, leaning heavily on a tree. He lurched away from the tree and tried to flee. He made it all of five steps away before his leg collapsed out from under him again. It just refused to bear his weight. But worse than that was the slight tingle that ran up and down his spine, and one that had nothing to do with the cold drizzle that had him soaked to the bone. Violet eyes narrowed dangerously. He quietly expanded his sphere of responsibility, but found nothing. The distant observer meant that the one thing that might have saved him at this point was the one thing he couldn't do. A sense of resignation settled over him, although he was by no means defeated. He propped himself up against a tree and waited for the Special Forces troops to arrive. A predatory grin appeared on his face, and he tossed his bangs out of his eyes. Much of his knee-length brown hair had escaped the braid he usually kept it in, and he carefully pushed it out of his way, behind his back. he thought with a grim humor, fingering one of the three knives he had left. He'd throw two of them, he decided, and save the third to defend himself. "Hey, I think I see something!" someone shouted from very close, and he involuntarily stiffened. A few minutes later he saw a faint light emerge from the gloom. It was soon revealed to be a group of eight well-armed men, with the leader carrying a mage-light in a crystal attached to a staff. The crystal flared brightly and a ray of light shot out of it, illuminating the boy. His left hand tightened around one of his knives. He wasn't as good a shot with his left hand, but it was good enough. He suddenly had a new primary target as he heard one of the men. "There it is!" the man shouted. "The one that calls itself Duo Maxwell!" he wondered, furious. One of the villagers in the last village must have told them. He promised himself he would find them who had given him away and punish them. Duo snarled silently. he thought, furious. He raised his arm, then cast his knife at the seeking crystal. It struck the crystal, which promptly shattered in a burst of light. The soldiers swore, and several fumbled for flint to light torches. As soon as they did, his second knife found its mark in the neck of the man in the lead. He fell to the ground with blood bubbling out of his lips. Duo smirked. he thought with more than a little bit of scorn and self-hatred accompanying that thought. "So you finally caught up with me, huh?" he asked with a grin. "It sure took you long enough. You really ought to get someone to teach you how to tie knots properly. "You little..." one of the men threatened, but broke off when he saw the last knife Duo still held. "You were saying? I've still got one left. Who's it going to be?" he said, and deliberately licked his lips. It was definitely satisfying to see half of the soldiers cringe at his action. "You hear what it said?" another one said. "It's only got one knife left. Spread out and surround it. We can capture it now." Duo hid his rage at continually being referred to as 'it'. "Are you sure you want to do that?" he asked playfully. "It might be bad for your health," he said, and flexed the fingers of his wounded hand, causing a faint glow to form around them. This much normal mages could do, and if he used his powers this way, it wouldn't tip off his unseen watcher that he was different. "Nice try, faery, but we're guarded against pain, and one of your kind can't injure with your power," the first man said. An incoherent growl burst from his lips, and the first man laughed. "See, nothing but an animal," he said. "It knows that it can't touch us as long as we have these!" his hand went to his chest to grasp the protective pendant they all - damn them - were wearing. He continued to laugh for a minute, then stopped and stared in surprise at the knife-hilt protruding from his chest, just beneath his protective pendant. Duo got a great deal of satisfaction out of watching the body fall over, but had instant reason to regret his impetuous action when the remaining six soldiers jumped on him. He fought back the best he could, but they soon had him pinned to the ground. They immediately set to work binding his arms and lets so that he could barely move. They gagged him, too, so he couldn't even get at them that way. Then they brought it out. He'd known this was coming since they started hunting him. He'd known what happened to those the Special Forces caught, but that didn't keep him from panicking when he saw the metal collar gleaming dully in the soldier's hands, he started thrashing wildly, desperately trying to free himself. his mind shrieked. Intellectually he knew that it was hopeless and that he'd only aggravate his injuries, but he couldn't help it. They were going to try to turn him into a slave, or worse, into some sort of animal. But he couldn't move, and two of them held his hair out of the way and fastened the metal collar around his throat. It almost choked him, and he forced himself to calm down so he wouldn't asphyxiate himself. He stopped struggling. It was pointless now.

to Part 1

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