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Welcome to the Star Craft and Diablo II Clan, Death By Choice (DbC)

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Last Updated: 7-31-03, 8:07 PM

This is the official website for clan Death by Choice. This is clan Leader, dEATHbYcHOICE. Please enjoy yourself and if you need any additional information, feel free to whisper either myself or DbC-Flare. We can be located in the chat room OP DeathByChoice.

Current number of members in total: 18

Clan Death by Choice was started roughly around May 2003. I named it Death by Choice because, well, to put it simply, I have a Death obsession. So I thought it appropriate to name my clan Death by Choice. Before that, I was a high ranking member of the clan SotM, SotM-Leviathan. Quite a few people in my old clan and my clan now still call me Levi because of that. I knew very well about the clan war and decided I want no enemies, so I set about finding allies and lots of new members. Currently we have 18 members and are still happily accepting. We have no true goals accept to end this stupid Clan War. We now have 9 allies: SotM (Shadows of the Mind), R_A (Royal Assassins), MxD (Mystical x Dragons), NtN (Nice Try Novice), )ai (Artificial Intellegence), legitkillers, DD (Death and Destruction), AoV (Angels of Vengence), and CrAzY. May our alliances be long lasting. If you want to be an ally of ours, just email me at or go to channel OP DeathByChoice and talk to one of my members.

Here is a DbC wallpaper if you want it. It's very crude and untill I can use a better verison of photoshop, this is all we have, but I like it. Click here to get it. It's 1024x768 only.

All of the members in the Star Craft division of the group, their current ranks, and anything they wanted next to their name

All of the members in the Diablo II division of the group, their current ranks, and anything they wanted next to their name

All of the ranks and what they mean/their special perks. And just cause I can, all the people who have achieved said ranks.

What to look for when recruiting and what to tell a new recruit when they are accepted.

All of our rules. Self explanitory, there.

Here is some random, and funny stuff (at least to me) that I decided to put up.

Click Here if for some reason you want to e-mail me or write to

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