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My Page

I hope you enjoy my site. A little about me, I'm 22 y/o. I love to shoot pool, I have a wonderful boyfriend but am going through a rough divorce also. I love making friends and hanging out with my new and old friends! I have a 3 year old son who I love to death, Pictures of all of us will come later. I am currently unemployed but looking for work, in the meantime, I help my brother and raise my son. I also love to use the computer and play games online. One of my games is Gothador. It doesn't look like much to start with but is very addictive to play. Gothador - Devilishly Addictive! Play online now for free! That is the website to it. I would love to have some of my online friends join also. I enjoy it a lot. Anything else you want to know? Just ask and I might tell. Can't wait to talk to all of you in time. Luv Ya, Mean It! DJ Check out this. Its BangMe.Net, Add your picture and see who "Bangs" you. I love this site! Check it out! It HoN (Hot or Not)

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What I love to do!

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