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Chataway's HomePage


Welcome to #Chataway all! We have a new main page now :) So welcome to it. I think the best bet would be to give a bit of information about Chataway. First of all, Chataway is a channel that started on starlink-irc in September 1997 and was set up for all ages who want clean fun. :) Chataway is quite known for our ppl and downright interesting topics! You should come by and check us out if you know what's good for you lol! :)

Meet your channel owner, ops and some of our regulars!

A very dear friend of many people in #chataway passed away in December 1998 and we have erected a page for him in order to show how much we loved him. Cat's final thoughts for his freinds can be viewed there as well.

Please visit Cat-99's Memorial page!

After veiwing our pages please stop back and sign our guest book and thanks for visiting and stop back often to see any changes we make. Until then look for all of us in the channel see you there :)

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page last updated 01/13/02