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Christopher Fancy AIT, Comptia A+


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Why should we hire you?

           Since I was a small child peering over my fathers shoulder as he worked, I can remember possessing an interest and an aptitude for intricate detail. Whether I watched in fascination as he performed his watch making skills for his patron or if I watched my brother perform his gemological skills with precision. I too had an interest in possessing a skill respected by others.
            I decided to step out of my fathers footsteps and make my mark on the computer industry. I had a great fascination with the hardware components involved with making these multimedia marvels operate. I've followed this fascination until I gained the knowledge necessary to become a CompTia A + certified service technician.
It hasn't stopped there...... 
            As I realized my true interest, I began to explore various avenues of expertise. I recognized the value and respect placed on the computer programming community. This interested me so much that I changed my career path to include programming by enrolling at the Information Technology institute. Here, I learned the industry's latest software packages and programming structures. This education has allowed me the ability to offer great value to any employer willing to hire me.           
              Possessing computer skills, in conjunction with a managerial back ground and a family history of pride and dedication to detailed work, I feel positive that I’m the right choice for the position within your company. It is with great dignity that I answer the time honored question posed to millions of career seekers world wide...... 

Why should we hire you? 

              "I'm a positive choice for the position." Thank you for your consideration..... 

Contact Information

Postal address
P.O. Box 127 
Annapolis Royal, N.S. 
B0S 1A0
Electronic mail



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Last modified: January 07, 2002