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Ok, the pictures are LARGE, so please have patience during load time.

Game 4:
Game went into Over-Time
Palm Springs - 32 Coachella Raiders - 38

Not a lot of pictures here. mostly of halftime

g4a g4b g4c g4d g4e g4f

Game 6:
This one just seemed to go quick.
Norco3 - 7 Coachella Raiders - 20

g6a g6b g6c g6d g6e g6f g6g g6h g6i g6j g6k g6l g6m g6n g6o g6p g6q g6r g6s g6t g6u g6v g6w g6x g6y

Game 8:
This one was fun. The kids seemed to enjoy themselves too.
Even after starting 30 minutes late, (due to a half buried block of cement on the field having to be dug up and the hole filled in) the lack of a working scoreboard/clock and, for some reason, no referees arranged, the game was a good one.
Pass 0 - Coachella 12
g8a g8b g8c g8d g8e g8f g8g g8h g8i g8j g8k g8l g8m g8n g8o g8p g8q g8r g8s g8t g8u g8v g8w g8x g8y g8z
gg8a gg8b gg8c gg8d gg8e gg8f gg8g gg8h gg8i gg8j gg8k gg8l gg8m gg8n gg8o gg8p1 gg8p2 gg8q gg8r gg8s gg8t gg8u gg8v gg8w gg8x gg8y gg8z
ggg8a ggg8b ggg8c ggg8d ggg8e ggg8f ggg8g ggg8h

Ok, So I went a little nuts.

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