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The Migrant Experience

SC Language Arts Curriculum Standards to be Addressed


6, 7, 8-R1.8 

Demonstrate the ability to draw conclusions and make inferences

6, 7, 8-R1.12

Demonstrate the ability to use graphic representations such as charts, graphs, pictures, and graphic organizers as information sources and as a means of organizing information and events logically.

6, 7, 8-R1.14

Demonstrate the ability to compare and contrast findings on a particular topic after having extracted that information from two or more pieces of graphic or written material.



6, 7, 8-W3.3         

Demonstrate the ability to use texts to make connections and to support ideas in his or her own writing.



6, 7, 8-C3.11

Demonstrate the ability to make connections between nonprint sources and his or her prior knowledge, other sources, and the world. 


6, 7, 8-RS2.1

Demonstrate the ability to use a variety of resources, including technology, to access information.

6, 7, 8-RS2.6

Begin using note-taking strategies to record facts and opinions from sources

SC Social Studies Curriculum Standards to be Addressed:

Grade 7:  Contemporary World Regions
7.3.12  Discuss the impact of human migration on the cultural diffusion, change, and conflict in each world region.
