Click here for "Pay Back" by Flaw.

{There is a slight look of evil in the eyes of B-Pac today. It seems that Rage's remarks have either angered him or caused him to look at things differently... It isn't clear as of yet.}

B-Pac: "Okay, Rage, I know I said earlier that you were crazy... but now you have surpassed Galahad and Quetz for sure in terms of looniness. Talking to my mother? Do you claim to talk to the dead because she hasn't been living for 18 years! And while you're talking about throwing all jokes away at Hell Bent. That is basically what I am gonna do to you because, well, you're the biggest joke of them all really. If it wasn't for Selena, I wouldn't even know who the hell you were. You are just an cockroach under my shoe. Lose my title to you? I think not, son. It just won't happen. You have NEVER had a challenge as big as me, you ARE NOT ready for a challenge as big as me, and you simply WILL NOT survive the match-up! Your best bet is to have Selena with you when you come out and have TormenT with you when you come out... not that they can help you win, but so you'll have someone to pull me off of you after I demolish and destroy your entire existance. Don't think that I enter this match to play around or entertain you, I am coming to bring the venom. I'll be sure to serve you up a proper dose."

{B-Pac grins because he knows that Rage just isn't ready for a challenge such as himself. You can sense that B-Pac really feels bad about having to exterminate Rage... not that he will hesitate, just that he feels bad about doing it.}

B-Pac: "Name calling is officially played out. You can call me B-Puss, P-Cock, K-Pax, G-Strap, C-Note, WHATEVER! That will, in no way, give you the advantage over me. As everyone knows, my skill and ability is far greater than yours and I plan to take full advantage of my superiority. It's going to be a non-stop, head-pounding, ass-kicking, knuckle-busting, slobber knocker... and MAYBE you'll get in a punch or two here and there. It's highly unlikely, though. Not that you suck or anything, it's just that I am really that freaking good. Or, maybe it is because you suck, but you get the picture."

{B-Pac smiles and waves at the camera before flipping it a bird and exiting the room. The camera fades out.}

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