Click here for "Pay Back" by Flaw.

{It is around 2:30 am when B-Pac comes strolling into his hotel from his night out. He approaches the front desk to check for any messages or visitors that he might have missed while he was out...}

Clerk: "Ahh, Mr. B-Pac, welcome back. A video arrived for you this evening. Also, there were two visitors for you... they were dressed, uh, kind of funny. They left you this note."

B-Pac: "Thanks, Chumley. Uhh, I spent all of my twenties so put your tip on my bill, okay?"

{B-Pac looks at the video and notices that it is a promo from Rage titled "New Way of Life". He smiles in anticipation as he thinks about what stupid things Rage will say on this one. He makes his way to the elevator and then up to his room, which is on the 7th floor. As he slides his keycard into the door, he begins to speak...}

B-Pac: "Before I even watch this dumb promo, I would like to comment on some of the people here in the WoW. The more I think about it, the more I realize that this place has some freaking crazy people! We have Rage, who thinks that he is gonna beat me. Then we got Kid Galahad, who talks to the devil and Quetz who thinks he is some other guy... WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU IDIOTS! I remember a time when Kid Galahad was talking about how crazy I used to be, but now he is talking to Satan? That is pretty stupid, if you ask me. But back to Rage, he has to be the craziest of all. I mean, how many sane people can think that they can beat me?"

{He inserts the video into the VCR and proceeds to watch it. He squinches his face up in confusion as he sees TormenT on the screen and not Rage. However, he finishes watching the demo and laughs at how much stupid crap TormenT says and how similar the two are. He then puts it in it's appropriate place... the garbage can. He shanks his head in disappointment as he looks back into the camera.}

B-Pac: "Okay, Rage, I know how much you want my Intercontinental Title but please don't rip off other people. Hell, TormenT don't even look like you! He didn't even mention me in that whole damn promo and you're gonna claim it as your own? Who the hell is TormenT any damn way? I am disappointed in you, Rage. I thought you were a legit contender but now that you steal your friends videos, well, you've just gotten my vote for "Dumb-ass of the Year". Dude, I sure would hate to be one of your friends right now. You are a disgrace to yourself and everyone around you. Too bad screwing up isn't a career because you'd be making millions. Just stay at your damn mansion with all of your friends and SHUT THE HELL UP! You can't even make ONE DAMN PROMO without freaking messing up 8 good video tapes. Not to mention all of the money for cameras and airtime that you waste."

{He then looks at the note that was left for him. It reads simply: "Are you ready?" and has no signature or names on it. B-Pac scratches his head and thinks for a few moments.}

B-Pac: "Ahh, I remember now... the s#!t is about to hit the fan. Oh, and Rage, you're standing right in front of it."

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