Click here for "Pay Back" by Flaw.

{B-Pac is in his hotel room packing up his bags getting ready for his flight to Chicago in a few hours. A bell-boy enters B-Pac's room and hands him 4 video tapes.}

Boy: "That is your opponent's latest promo, sir. It just arrived and I was informed to get it to you immediately."

B-Pac: "There is 4 of them?! He did 4 promos already?!"

Boy: "Well, no sir. The first three are his outtakes... he screwed up alot. The fourth one is the final copy."

B-Pac: "Damn. Well, thanks. Here's 20 bucks for your troubles."

Boy: "Wow, thanks, Mr. B-Pac!"

{The boy exits the room and B-Pac pops the video labeled "Last Time Dammit!" into the VCR and proceeds to watch the promo. B-Pac starts to laugh as he watches the poor excuse of a Number 1 Contender that is Rage. As soon as the promo is over, B takes the tape out and slings it into the garbage can. The other three then follow.}

B-Pac: "You sure do screw up alot, huh, Rage? Let me get this straight... YOU think that YOU are going to beat ME? You are a sick person for thinking that. Well, either sick or stupid. And as far as me trying to get the Dark Force pissed at you... I didn't have to try very hard because I don't think anyone takes kindly to someone slamming bats and things of that nature into their skulls week after week. You won't get away with it much longer, trust me. So, while you're trying to, and I quote, "Kick aligations up my ass like feild goals", I will be climbing that ladder in the middle of the ring and taking my title down. But before I place it back around my waist, I will be nice and let you touch it. That's right... I'll let your forehead touch it when I bust you in the face with it. That will be as close as you ever get to that title while I am in possession of it.

{Just then, the bell-boy enters the room again holding another video tape.}

Boy: "Here is another promo, sir."

B-Pac: "Well, damn. He must feel insecure about his content and plan to beat me with numbers... it's too bad that one of my promos are the equivalent of ten of his."

The bell-boy leaves as B-Pac puts the video in and watches it. He looks at the television funny seeing that Rage is already back home in Florida. Once again, after the video finishes he tosses it into the garbage.}

B-Pac: "Well, aren't you just a busy sumna' bitch? How did you get in Florida already and was in California just yesterday? Hell, I haven't even finished greeting the fans and signing autographs yet and you're aleady in Florida! Well, I guess you're not a fan-favorite like me and don't have to worry about such things. You're too busy beating the hell out of your friends to worry about such things. You're too busy getting your ass kicked to worry about such things. So what if your first two matches were TLC matches, this isn't a TLC match, son, this is a plain old ladder match. It's not like it matters what kind of match it is, really, because I can beat your ass in any kind of match any kind of stipulations and any kind of any thing. Just when you think you know all of the answers, I change all of the questions. I am the venom and there isn't a cure. So watch your back or you may just get bitten... but not only by me... by your closest of close, your best of friends, your one and only... the venom is spreading... can you taste it?"

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