Click here for "Pay Back" by Flaw.

{The scene cuts to the Phillips Arena in Atlanta, Georgia. It is now half-time at the Atlanta Hawks game and the lights go black as blue flames start circling around the court. A loud and deep voice then comes over the PA system.}

Announcer: "The city of Atlanta and Worldwide Online Wrestling proudly present to you... THE INTERCONTINENTAL CHAMPIOOOOOOONNNNN B-PAC!!"

{Just then, a blue dragon appears at mid-court and out walks B-Pac. The home-town fans jump to their feet as he walks out into the middle of the dragon holding his IC Title belt. He has a mic in his hand ready to speak as the lights are restored. The fans quiet down to hear what he has to say.}

B-Pac: "It has been a while since I have been in Atlanta, but my return will not disappoint any of you. Atlanta has provided me with so many lessons about life... from losing a person who was very dear to me to having my one and only friend turn his back on me and walk away. But speaking of returns and hard times, I have a few things to say to my oppnent at Malice.

{B-Pac pauses as the fans chant his name throughout the arena. He smiles at the warm reception before continuing his speach.}

B-Pac: "It looks like you have chosen a very bad time to return, Outsyder. How was your vacation? I sure hope that your time away did not affect your in-ring ability. It may have softened you up. Before you step into that ring with me, you have to ask yourself a few questions... are you the same Adam Lax that held the Intercontinental Title before me? Are you the same Adam Lax that vacated the title as soon as you saw B-Pac gunning for you? It does seem odd that as soon as I started moving up and heading in your direction, you turn and run the other way. Don't get me wrong, Adam Lax, there is NO SHAME in being afraid... but there is shame in not facing up to your responsibilities. When you dropped the title and ran away, that made you look like a coward. I am sure that you're not a coward, Lax, but you sure did get the heck out of Dodge very quickly. What was your reason? Were you having the ever-so-popular "personal problems"? Were you doubting your abilities? Or did you know that B-Pac was coming TO WHOOP YOUR ASS!? Whatever the reason, you cannot get out of this one so easily. I'll be the welcoming committee for you and my welcome backs are accompanied by a big "me beating the hell out of you" party!"

{B-Pac drops the mic and holds his IC belt high up in the air to yet another standing ovation. He walks off the court as "Pay Back" starts to play and the rest of the half-time show begins.}

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