Click here for "Pay Back" by Flaw.

{B-Pac sits inside of a booth at a local Mexican restauraunt. He is talking to a sexy brown-skin waitress as the restauraunt manager approaches the table.}

Manager: "No, no, you stop talking to waitress! She lots of work do to. You order food, eat food, and leave. No more talk to waitress."

B-Pac: "Whoa, whoa, hold on a second there, Jose. I was asking for directions to..."

Manager: "No ask directions! Order food, eat food, and leave!"

B-Pac: "Hmmm... you sound and look very familiar. You bitch just like someone I know. Are you in any way related to Essa Rios?"

Manager: "No related! Order food, eat food, and leave! I no bitching!"

B-Pac: "My mistake, then. I'm not really here to eat."

Manager: "You no eat, you go now!"

{B-Pac shrugs his shoulders and gets up from his table. He walks by the sexy waitress, and slips her a twenty dollar bill as she smiles and tells his good-bye. He exits the restauraunt and heads over to his car.}

B-Pac: "Are all of you Vatos like that? All pushy and jumpy? The only thing different about that guy in there and you, Essa Rios, is that he probably has enough education NOT to screw up my name... here in America... and even Canada, we do the name calling thing in about the 3rd or 4th grade. "When you are a child, you speak as a child." I also did a little investigating. I found out that your Green Card doesn't extend to Canada which means that if you wrestle here, YOU WILL BE DEPORTED!! HAHAHA! I already gave the word to the Canadien Border Patrol and they are more than ready to send your ass back to good ol' Mexico. I suggest you talk to them about your little mix-up. I sure would hate for you to be arrested before I get to whoop your ass."

{B-Pac clicks his car alarm off as the door slides up. He gets in his car and starts it up. The motor hums sweetly as the door slides back down and closes. B-Pac slams on the accelerator and burns a massive amount of rubber before speeding off from the parking lot.}

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