Click here for "Pay Back" by Flaw.

{The camera rolls as it is too dark to see anything other than trees and a shadowy figure. A match is then struck providing enough light to make out just who that shadowy figure is... B-Pac. He tosses the match to the ground as the camera follows it. A pile of what seems to be clothes and pictures are engulfed in a sudden jut of flames as the match lands on top of it. The camera zooms back up to B-Pac who is standing over the fire staring at it smiling.}

B-Pac: "Over so soon? The Dark Force has been aborted just as fast as it has been reborn. I should have listened to what the people had to say... the Dark Force just isn't for me. I don't fit into their freakish and twisted ways. So, as of this moment, the Dark Force is unarmed, unmanned, unprepared, weak, insufficient, and NO MORE! There isn't a simpler way to put it. It saddens me, really."

{B-Pac takes off the shirt that he is wearing, which says "The Darker Force" and tosses it into the flames. He replaces it with a black tank-top and spits into the fire.}

B-Pac: "And as far as Selena goes, she was more into Wicked and Draven than me anyway. She won't miss me and I won't miss her. I am not holding any contempt or anger for anyone, I am just washing my hands completely of the Dark Force and the persons involved with it. This fire symbolizes the cleansing of B-Pac from DF. I leave the choice for retalitation up to them. Although, it would not be wise for them to seek revenge... I will be more than willing to deny them success. As for now, I plan to look for new opportunities. Along with faces from the past and recent foes, I will become part of a new dominating generation... the new breed of SuperStars so-to-speak. Noone will be left untouched by the venom... NOONE."

{As the flames continue to rise, B-Pac steps away from the fire and begins walking away from the camera. It loses focus for a few seconds and by the time it is regained, B-Pac is now standing in the distance with three other unidentifiable figures...}

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