Click here for "Pay Back" by Flaw.

{A fresh looking Diablo pulls up in the parking lot of a small motel somewhere near Ottawa. "Solitaire Unraveling" by MushroomHead can be heard playing inside of the car as a little smoke comes from the tailpipes. The door of the car opens as someone shuts off the motor and steps out. He reaches in the backseat and pulls out a gym bag. It is now clear that the man is B-Pac. He shuts the car door and clicks the alarm on. He walks over to room 7 and unlocks the door. He tosses his gear onto the bed and grabs a bottle of Pepsi Twist. He flops down in a metal folding-chair and sips from his drink.}

B-Pac: "Well, well, well. PKA, you fell far short of your expectations, didn't you? The only thing you proved to everyone was that you really do SUCK and that it is your time... your time to sit down and shut the hell up. I'm through playing little games. It's time for me to step back up and take on someone worthy... like Essa Rios. This guy could be the only wrestler that makes more public appearances than me. That is all good, though, because while he's running his mouth on Jerry Springer or Queer As Folk, I'll be plotting a million and a half ways to break him down into nothing. I look forward to the challenge, nonetheless. Essa is a very explosive guy and is more than capable of pulling off an upset... NOT! What he is capable of is getting in over his head and getting his ass whipped all the way back to Mexico. I never even heard of this guy until a few weeks ago and now he's getting television time and a shot at MY Intercontinental title?"

{B-Pac stares into the camera as if he expects an answer from it. He just shakes his head and sips his drink. He just happens to look at the bottle cap as he jumps from his seat.}

B-Pac: "SWEET! I won a free drink! This year just gets better by the hour. 2002 is definately the year of the venom. Everything has gone perfect so far. I've won the Intercontinental Title, I've signed a HUGE contract, I've defended my belt against all comers, I've joined a very successful organization in the Dark Force, and I have a great girlfriend... this year rocks."

{B-Pac continues to celebrate his free drink as the camera fades.}

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