Click here for "Pay Back" by Flaw.

{A shower is heard in the background of a familiar hotel room as the camera focuses in on the Intercontinental Championship belt lying next to the Brutality Championship belt on the bed. B-Pac sits in front of the television playing Monday Malice on his X-Box. He is wearing a pair of red and black windbreaker pants with no shirt. A woman is heard yelling something from the bathroom as B-Pac pauses his game and goes to the door to hear her clearer.}

B-Pac: "What did you say, babe?"

Selena: "I said will you toss me a towel please."

B-Pac: "Oh, sure thing."

{B-Pac grabs a towel from Selena's gym bag and heads back to the bathroom door. He opens it enough to get his arm in and tosses the towel to Selena. He shuts the door back and continues with his game. On the game, B has a triple threat match with himself, PKA, and a funny looking guy who is named Kid Krust on the screen. B-Pac hits the 7th sign on both of them and pins PKA for the win... B then laughs and yells "Boo-Yow"}

B-Pac: "Hell yeah, I won! I know that Kid Krush looks a little funny on this game but that is because he wasn't on here and I had to make him myself. I accidently misspelled his name, too. I SAID ON ACCIDENT! Hey, at least PKA was on here. It even has his b!#ch Ash too. You should have seen it earlier when Selena was playing it. She had herself and was fighting against Ash and majorly whooped her ass. It was cool, too, because PKA came out to interfere but then I came out and helped Selena win... I love this game!"

{The bathroom door is heard squeaking as it opens. B-Pac is concentrated deeply on the game as Selena is seen walking out of the bathroom wearing a sexy, silk bathrobe. She starts smiling as she approaches B-Pac who notices her and turns around speachless.}

Selena: "Hey, sweetheart, will you give me a back massage?"

B-Pac: "What? Hell yeah I'll give you a back massage!"

{B-Pac sits on the bed as Selena sits next to the bed with her back facing him. B rubs Selena's shoulders and back as she closes her eyes.}

Selena: "Do you remember that time when Rage hit me with that bat during our match and you carried me to the back? That was so sweet of you, B. Rage was so jealous of you because of that."

B-Pac: "Well, Rage is the least of my problems right now. I got that triple threat match this Friday against PKA and whats his name... Oh yeah, Kid Krush. That guy seems more interested in finding a valet than he does about how bad he's gonna get his ass beat. Where did this guy come from anyway? I boot him out of the match and VP Thomas puts him right back in. It's like that stupid thing that PKA used to say all the time... "Whassup wid dat?" Damn, I am glad he shut that s#!t up."

Selena: "What I want to know is who is this Ash chick? This short little chubby b!#ch wants to hurt me? I am the Brutality Champ! The word Brutality is in there for a reason. Hell, I've beaten men with bigger breast then her."

B-Pac: *snickering* That was a good one. Hey, what do you say we order something to eat and a few bottles of wine from room service... you game?"

Selena: "I am all for that but don't you want to "talk" about some things in "private" first?"

{Selena and B-Pac grin at each other as B-Pac shakes his head up and down. They both look at the camera with a "Get the hell out of here" look as the scene fades to black.}

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