Click here for "Pay Back" by Flaw.

{A cool wind blows leaves gently across a beautiful green lawn just outside of a park. Children are running around laughing without a care in the world. Young lovers hold hands as they walk side by side. An elderly woman sits with her two grandchildren on a bench. A young mother is toting her one month old little girl in one arm and a bag of groceries in the other. The bag tears and the groceries spill to the ground. A teenager walks over to the woman and helps her to pick up the fallen goods. At this point, everything seems perfect. But perfection has consequences. All good things come to an end and open up for the bad... but not just yet. It is still time for good things. A spiffy 2001 Diablo pulls up in a parking space next to a sign that reads "Welcome to Canada". The door swings open and out steps B-Pac. A few people walk by and wave but do not nescessarily notice who it is they are waving to. B-Pac leans on the hood of his car admiring the outdoors as he begins to speak.}

B-Pac: "Ah, Canada, such a great place. Speaking of greatness, I can't believe that I wasn't on the Ruffhouse card! So what if I am the IC Champion... I love what I do and I do what I love. Some of my best damn matches have been Ruffhouse events. I am not too good to appear at a house show like some of these other snobs. I have a proposal. How about I face off against the former Euro champ, PKA. Sure he already has a match against Kid Krush but who the hell is Kid Krush anyway? Save him for the dark matches and let PKA take a shot at me. Hell, he deserves it. He hasn't tested his skills against greatness yet. He's too busy wrestling guys like Anarky, TormenT, Rage and losers like that. Let the guy at least try to come up in this business. Some people just aren't as talented and gifted as me and have to start from the bottom."

{Just as he finishes his sentence, B-Pac's pager goes off. He looks down at it and quickly jerks it up to eye level. He smiles as he reads the text message that says "You want it, you got it."}

B-Pac: "Well, it seems like doing these live promos pays off every once in a while. VP Thomas sure is on top of his game since taking charge. It looks like the people of Toronto are going to be treated to a special apprearance by yours truly at Ruffhouse. Hell, this show might even be televised now... you know how bad the cable is up here in good old Canada. If it wasn't for the BBC, WoW, and porn these people wouldn't need television sets."

{He just smiles and looks out at the scenery once again. A man nears B-Pac and starts pointing at his wrist.}

Man: "Qu'elle heur et til?"

B-Pac: "..... what?"

{The screen darkens to black.}

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