Click here for "Pay Back" by Flaw.

{B-Pac is sitting in his locker room after a long morning of working out and in-ring training at the United Center. He is wearing a pair of windbreaker pants and no shirt. He pours a bottle of water over his head and shakes it off. His intensity starts to show on his face as he begins to speak...}

B-Pac: "Rage, no doubt about it... our match will be a classic in it's own time. There will be alot of pain and suffering involved in our match-up, Rage, and I'm sure you know that. But what you might not know is that you really do not stand a chance against me. I will shake your hand after out match-up because you have truely worked hard for this title shot. It's too bad that your momentum will end at our match. You see, while you screw-up more times than you get something right, I am flirting with perfection and that is what makes me superior to you. Don't get me wrong because I am not saying that you suck... I'm just saying that compared to me you suck. I want to make one thing clear to you, Rage... if you in any way try to cheat or have Selena help you out, the consequences will be far greater than death for you. I will not hold Selena responsible for her actions because you are the one that asked her to come to ringside with you and therefore you are bear all the responsibilities. I do not think that Selena would intentionally jeopardize the match for either one of us, though, I am just giving you the warning in advance."

{B-Pac wipes his face off with a towel and then drapes it over his shoulder as he gets up and puts his shirt back on. He then picks up his IC belt and points out the inscription that says "B-Pac".}

B-Pac: "This inscription clearly states that this title belongs to me. Not just anybody gets their names on their belts... just the ones that have the potential to be a long-term champion. I can guarantee you that this inscription will not change at Hell Bent... nor will it change next month... not even the month after that! You were better off staying with your Tag-Title shot and declining Prez Darren's offer at my title. Obviously you did not know what you were getting into. But there is no turning back now, Hell Bent is written in stone and I plan on getting my second successful title defense. It amazes me that you could even fathom that you will beat me... I have risen to a brand new height of SuperStardom. I am the new breed of SuperStar... and while you are CONSTANTLY watching your television in anticipation to see me, I am working out and preparing myself better so that I can keep growing and keep evolving into a better champion each day that I own this belt. And neither you, Selena, Kid Galahad, TormenT, Anarky, Chaos, NOT EVEN ADAM LAX, can stop the evolution of the VENOM! The only way that title will be taken from around my waist is when I forfeit it to take the WoW Heavyweight Title. You can put that in the history books."

{B-Pac slips on a leather jacket and his classic shades before walking to the exit door. He pauses for a minute and then looks back into the camera.}

B-Pac: "Rage, before I forget, I just want to tell you one thing. BE READY! Don't stop preparing. Train until the minute we enter the ring and then try your best from there on out. Because if you don't, you will never see another title shot come near you again."

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