Click here for "Pay Back" by Flaw.

{B-Pac is in his locker room following up his title defense against Kid Galahad. He sports a shiny new bruise on his left eye from Galahad's boot. The Champ sits in a fold-up chair with a bottle of water in one hand and an ice pack in the other. A referee walks in the room and hands B-Pac a sheet of paper.}

B-Pac: "What's this?"

Ref: "That is the card for next week's Malice... you have a tag match."

B-Pac: "I asked what was it, not would you read it to me! I appreciate you bringing this by but you can go now."

Ref: "Don't worry, I won't bother you any longer. I have about 30 more of these things to deliver before everyone leaves."

{The referee leaves as B-Pac look over the card. His eyes light up when he sees his name listed by Death's for a tag-team match against Wicked D and Selena. B-Pac then thinks out loud to himself.}

B-Pac: "Death, huh? This will be something to remember. How better to prepare for Hell Bent than a tag-team match against Ichabod's former girlfriend and the guy that beat him just a few weeks ago? Perfect! Wait a minute... isn't Death the same guy that interfered in my match against Selena a little while ago? The same match in which I won my title? This is the same guy that was eating gummie bears and speared me through the ropes? So it is. None of that matters now just as long as I am ready for the this match. True, I am a bit skeptical about having a tag-team partner but I know Death will not disappoint me as Blaze did so long ago. But what if Death screws up... but what if I screw up? Oh, wait a minute! I almost forgot... I DON'T SCREW UP!! What a relief."

{B-Pac comes out of his deep train of thought to notice someone is standing at his door. The man walks in to reveal Chris Volz from the Nu-Metal group Flaw.}

B-Pac: "Chris, come on in, man. It's good to see you again."

Chris Volz: "It's good to see you too, B. The guys and I were getting ready to leave town and we descided to come and see WoW. Once again, it was great, but we noticed something missing in your match..."

B-Pac: "Something missing in my match? I don't think I know what you mean, dude."

Chris Volz: "Well, maybe you don't, but we did. You're theme music is lacking just a tad... but we thought that we could help you out! I have a contract here that says if you use our song "Pay Back" as your theme, we will perform it LIVE at Hell Bent... ALSO you can appear on stage with us whenever you want. It is a win-win situation to say the least. Here, I have a demo for you to listen to if you'd like.

{Chris Volz hands B-Pac a discman and B-Pac listens... He then starts to smile and nod his head. He then takes the contract from Volz's hand and walks over to the table. He signs on the dotted line and Flaw is officially performing "Pay Back" LIVE as B-Pac intro at Hell Bent.}

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