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Written 1-2-02

{"Can't Give It Up (Rock Remix)" by Bone thugs-n-harmony begins to play as the new promo for the IC title Triple Threat match begins. Ark Hightower is seen pinning Anarky and celebrating as he won the #1 contendership. Then B-Pac is shown shaking hands with Selena in the hallway and then Selena training with Rage in their mansion. Images of B-Pac's run-in with some street punks flashes on the screen and the video jumps to B-Pac and Selena shaking hands again but this time in the ring. The two are shown battling back and forth and then B-Pac's suplex-pin. B-Pac is then shown with a look of disbelief as the results are announced that both his and Selena's shoulders were down for the 3 count. The scene then cuts to a picture of Ark Hightower with a cigar in his mouth and he is joined by Selena. Then B-Pac walks onto the screen as the frame freezes and these words flash on the screen: "Intercontinental Triple Threat Match! B-Pac -vs- Selena -vs- Ark Hightower; Live, this Sunday at Malice! As soon as the promo is finished, the scene cuts to the backstage area as Ralph Lillard stands with B-Pac.}

Ralph Lillard- "B-Pac, this is your big chance to bring home some gold. The upcoming Malice has you placed in a pay-per-view type match against Selena and Ark Hightower in a triple threat title match. Can you give us any input as to your feelings at this time?

B-Pac- "Absolutely, Ralph Lillard. This is a dream match for me. I knew I was going to get a shot at that title sooner-or-later but I did not expect it this soon. My last match, which was against Selena, really made me feel like a top-notch contender for this title. Although, I have not seen much of Ark Hightower, I am VERY confident that my skills are far superior to his. And as far as Selena goes, this time I will NOT MAKE THE SAME MISTAKE AGAIN!

Ralph Lillard- "I think you have made that clear, B-Pac. In your short time here in the WoW, you have made quite an impact and you have some of the most die-hard fans out there. How have you suceeded in establishing yourself so well in such a small amount of time?

B-Pac- "Well, I admit that I have THE GREATEST fans in the entire world. And might I add the most intelligent, also. I believe that the fans receive me so well because I am just like them. I enjoy regular things and I don't set myself higher than any one of them. I never refuse an opportunity to sign an autograph or help someone out. The small things do indeed count a great deal and I wouldn't want it any other way.

Ralph Lillard- "Indeed. Is there anything that you would like to add or comment on before the interview is over, B-Pac?"

B-Pac- "As a matter of fact, there is. I want to wish my opponents in the triple threat match the best of luck because to beat me, luck is exactly what they will need. I came into this federation with one thing on my mind... WINNING! And the only thing that can stop me from winning is the will of God. And God willing, I WILL WIN THAT TITLE! Don't get me wrong, it's going to be a tough match but then again, isn't it always? Ark Hightower, I have two words of advice for you... Be ready. And Selena, my advice to you is this... Don't underestimate the power of determination.

{B-Pac then walks off as Ralph Lillard is left holding the microphone. He looks back at the camera and shrugs his shoulders as the camera cuts off.}

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