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Written 12/31/01

{The camera begins filming as B-Pac is exiting his hotel room. It looks as if he is extremely exhausted. He is wearing his usual black leather pants and a t-shirt that says "The Outsyder" on it. B-Pac smiles as he sees the camera approaching.}

B-Pac- "Selena, as promised, there are no hard feelings. I hope that my harsh words and witty remarks did not damage our relationship as friends. I must admit you put up ONE HELL of a fight. However, being that I was too tired to hold my shoulders up, you know what this means. It means that we are sure to face each other again very soon. Hell, we put on a PPV caliber match at a house show. Not many people can say they have ever done that and not any people can say they have the motivation to do that. I see we have one thing in common. I mean, what more could you expect from two Superstars battling for a possible IC Title shot?

Cameraman- "What about your assault on Kid Galahad last night?"

B-Pac- "What the hell? You can talk? Well, I'll be damned. My explanation for attacking the Kid is this: It was my revenge for our match in which he unfairly stole the win from me. Note that I did not interfere with him while he was in his match, I waited until afterwards. The rest of the situation is up to the Kid. He can call it even or he can seek yet another match-up with yours truely. All I have to say is that if he seeks another fued, I would like to see some stipulations added. Although, right now I'd rather not get back into it with the Kid, know that I'll be ready.

Cameraman- "What is next on your "To-Do" list, B-Pac?

B-Pac- "What is it with you? Am I not good enough for the WoW to send me a decent reporter like Lillard or somebody? I got the cameraman giving me an interview, great. Well, I figured that I'd try to up my ranking in the IC title race by challenging Ark Hightower. He is the number one contender, you know. So, how about it, Mr. Hightower, you and me, one on one at the next event. It would only be right to accept my challenge. Now, if you will excuse me, I have a long trip home ahead of me.

{The camera follows B-Pac as he walks down the hall and gets into an elevator. The camera then cuts off.}

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