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Written 12/29/01

{The camera rolls as a figure is seen in the dark. The light from a street lamp shines on the shadow's face and you can see that it is B-Pac. The light makes an errie glow on his face which has a smirk on it.}

B-Pac- "That is a reasonable explanation for you being the only girl in the Dark Force... hell, if you'd worry as much about our match as you do justifying yourself, maybe you'd have a chance. But since you don't, I guess you're hopeless. And as far as being insecure, yeah I'm insecure. But it's not because you can fight better than most men... it's because I am so far down the list that I have a match against YOU! And another thing... you act as if you are trying to be like me with all of your little smart comments and quirky remarks lately. But hey, if I were you, I would want to be me too. It's too bad you can't be me right? Right. For one, you don't have the balls and two you can't handle being me. So, just stick with what you do best... make food for Rage and be there to make him look good in the ring. After all, that's what he makes you out to be isn't it? All you are is Rage's little "Barbie doll". Have you ever thought about that? Either way, it won't affect our match. Also, you can stop training now... because if you're not ready for our match now, you WILL NEVER EVER BE READY! But that is basically what I was expecting. I knew you weren't ready. And put on a damn shirt, your breasts are falling out!

{B-Pac then continues walking down the dark street when all of the sudden a black Monte Carlo comes flying down the street and stops beside B-Pac. A man in the passenger seat yells out at him.}

Man- "Hey B-Pac, you shouldn't be all alone out here on the street... someody might catch you and beat your ass.

B-Pac- "I seriously doubt it.

Man- "Oh really? Well, I got 3 more people in the back seat that don't doubt it very much!"

B-Pac- "Pity the back seat."

{Just then the man jumps out of the car and stands in front of B-Pac. They are similar in height, but the man lacks the body mass of B-Pac.}

Man- "Come on guys, we've got ourselves a smart-ass here... the same guy that wants to beat up a woman!"

B-Pac- "Are you calling yourself a woman?"

{The man then swings as B-Pac and misses. B-Pac grabs the man by the arm and slings him over the hood of the car. He then looks at the other passengers waiting for them to get out too but instead, the passenger door slams and the car takes off leaving their friend lying in the street. B-Pac then look into the camera with a confused look.}

B-Pac- "I guess they changed their mind..."

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