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{The camera enters B-Pac's hotel room as he is packing up to head to the Shark Tank. As the camera enters the room, B-Pac speaks.}

B-Pac: "You are just in time... I was getting ready to give up on you... oh, and you too cameraman. Kid Galahad, it is wonderful to see you in such good spirits after getting your ASS handed to you in your last match. If you concentrate on your own sins instead of making it a life-long mission to point out others, you wouldn't go on and on with your crap. Honestly, I see you as a false prophet, the worst of all evils. The devil himself can quote scripture and point fingers... as you do so consistantly. The only difference between you and the devil is that, well, the devil is good at hiding his evil intentions, YOU ARE NOT! The continual spiritual assault that you have bestowed on me has only made me see through you, Kid Galahad. I see through your phony armor and your fake appearance. You are just one of many who try to act richeous but scheme evil deeds. So, if you making a mockery of the world's greatest religion makes you a better person than me, then dammit, you are a far greater person than I am. And as far as the "nonsensical" name-calling as you put it goes, the only name I'll be calling you after Malice is the first person in my long line of title defenses."

{B-Pac then stands up and points to his IC belt and smiles.}

B-Pac: "This belt right here is sole property of B-Pac. But, who knows, Kid Galahad... maybe after Malice you'll be wearing it... or at least the imprint of it on your forehead. That is about as close as you'll get to this title while I am the champ. Hey, maybe you should go after Collector for watching you lose the titles that you and he worked so very hard for... or maybe you think that since you have beaten me before, you can beat me again. WELL YOU'RE DEAD WRONG! After I humiliate you at Malice, I am done with you as far as I am concerned. Unlike you, I am constantly moving up in this company. After you won your tag titles, things just went down for you. That is the difference between us, Kid. I am going up, and you are getting washed up as fast as you washed in! So go to your little film room and watch old matches of those who shaped and made this company great... and then a year from now, watch the replay of our next match and watch the ONE who made this company GREATER, ME!!!

{B-Pac starts to breathe heavily as the anger visibly starts to build up inside of him. He storms out of the room with his bags and slams the door behind him.}

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