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If for some reason you want to visit other websites then you might as well look at my links. Just make sure you come back here after your done visiting those 'other' websites...

Blizzard Entertainment

God help us if you played any of their games and do not know this company. This is the company which made Warcraft, WII, Diablo, Starcraft, Diablo II, Warcraft III, etc.


Ever since Scmaps died this has established itself as my favorite Starcraft related website.

IGN Codes

Formally known as Gamesages, this is an excellent,extensive website for cheats and hints. I never even heard of some of the systems they have codes for...

The Onion

"America's Finest News Source" devoted to parodies of the news. Funny, I might add.


This site contains many excellent flash movies and games. However it has many "mature" themes to it. If you get in trouble for blood, violence, etc., I suggest you do not visit this site. Check out Xiao Xiao.

This is another "mature" website, but it is devoted to bloody, violent deaths of stick figures. This has gotten quite old.

The movies section here is pretty good. Especially the funny ones.