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Starfleet Central Intelligence Division:


Starfleet Intelligence (SFI) is a separate agency under Starfleet Command. It is responsible to Command through the SFI Director. It supports Command’s decisions to execute the Security Policy by providing comprehensive and accurate intelligence.


SFI is also authorized to conduct counter-intelligence and operations related to foreign intelligence and the security of the Federation. As the main intelligence source, SFI works with other agencies in the Intelligence Community – most notably, Starfleet’s Special Forces. SFI’s cooperation with other groups ensures that it provides the best intelligence possible to the policy-maker, or the battlefield commander.


SFI’s mission is accomplished by engaging in research and development, and the use of the latest technology to track and reveal the best intelligence possible. This can go as deep as field agent contacts within foreign societies and the use of assets.


The Director of Starfleet Central Intelligence


The Director of Starfleet Central Intelligence (DSCI) is appointed by the Commander in Chief of Starfleet. This position will be held until either the DSCI abdicates the position, is replaced by the Commander in Chief of Starfleet with someone else, upon the presentation of just cause, or is removed by Starfleet Command by the same standard.


The DSCI will be responsible for the undertaking of all Starfleet Covert and Intelligence gathering Operations, organization and deployment of Federation Intelligence Operatives, up to and including the Assault and Rescue and Reconnaissance Units.  He shall have the right to choose his own staff. The DSCI reserves the right to review and promote any officer under their command at the end of each promotion period, up to one rank below their own. He shall have the authority to discipline any officer under his direct command for a non criminal breach of protocol.


Starfleet Central Intelligence Division - ARGUS Tactical Reconnaissance Group:


The ARGUS Group is composed of five Operatives:


ARGUS 1 – Team Leader: Lieutenant (JG) Micah Kierstädt

ARGUS 2 – Second in Command / Team Assaulter: Ensign James Riley

ARGUS 3 – Team Sniper and Assaulter / Computer Specialist: Ensign Matthew Jay

ARGUS 4 – Team Recon Specialist / Medic / Assaulter: Ensign Charlie Shimenski

ARGUS 5 – Team Assaulter/ Engineering Specialist: Ensign Torbert Atkinson


Formerly a Tactical Response team at Starfleet Central Intelligence – Canadian Headquarters, ARGUS is a Tactical Recon team assigned to Starbase Midway to keep the station’s CEO (James K. Parsque) as their primary target. The team was ordered to go undercover and work as a Starfleet Special Forces team. With reasons unknown, the group’s leader went against SFI’s orders and shifts to another objective – the protection of James K. Parsque.


ARGUS consists of five Intelligence operatives/field agents – all former members of the five-man SFI Canada Tactical Response team. ARGUS specializes in the gathering of intelligence to ensure the safety of Starbase Midway’s crew and civilians.


Since all members are either Marine or SSF trained, the group utilizes the best training, as well as technology to complete any mission, whether it is a bugging operation, infiltration mission, or even – once Starfleet calls for one – an assassination attempt.


Since its assignment to Starbase Midway, ARGUS had taken the role as one of SFI’s first covert military divisions with Intelligence gathering operations. Before ARGUS and the small number of other covert groups, SFI has relied on the Special Forces for foreign Intel.





Name: Kierstädt, Micah

Nationality: German

Date of Birth: SD. 238309.13

Education: High School Diploma (Honors in Chemistry), Starfleet Academy, SSF/SFI Operative’s Certification (Course Distinction)

Hometown: Toronto, OntarioCanada

Specialties: Military Operations in Urban Terrain (MOUT) / Intelligence Operations / Weapons Development and Construction

Strong Areas: Chemistry and Mathematics / Snowboarding / Picking on Shimenski / Falling Asleep or Yawning During Briefings / Chewing Gum

Languages: English, German, Swedish


Raised Munich, Germany, Kierstädt shifted his European origin and settled himself to North America – staying in San Francisco since his entrance into the Academy in 2400 – and in Vancouver during his two years with Starfleet Central Intelligence.


Kierstädt was raised with strong family values and a ferocious step towards hard work. As a boy, he held strong social abilities and strength for chemistry, physical education, computer technology and mathematics – but a horribly weak understanding of biology. He also suffered poorly in areas of visual arts.


Another strong area of his is languages – his first language was German. His father taught him Swedish, he learned English in school, his friends in San Francisco and Toronto got him to develop a North American English accent, and his mother is currently struggling to get Micah’s French grammar correct.


His athletic abilities improved most during high school – keeping up with his other areas of education – but still suffered in visual arts and biology. His father bought him a snowboard when he was 15 and the sport became a passion.


His application to Starfleet Intelligence was quick – since SFI saw qualities of a trained SSF/Marine. He was accepted and, after some training and familiarization with the Intelligence Community, took command of SFI Canadian Headquarters’ Tactical Response Team. Kierstädt is a very persistent operative, and is known to be one of the most observant field agents Starfleet Intelligence had recruited.


Kierstädt plays the acoustic guitar and enjoys snowboarding. Charlie Shimenski irritates Micah when he falls deep on the snow, which could result both of them throwing snowballs at each other. In turn, Kierstädt bothers his friend back by snickering at Charlie when he gets chords mixed up when playing with his own electric guitar.



Name: Riley, James Eason

Nationality: British

Date of Birth: SD. 238102.06

Education: High School Diploma, Starfleet Academy, Starfleet Marine Corps, SSF Operative’s and Grenadier’s Certification

Hometown: Cambridge, EnglandUnited Kingdom

Specialties: Military Operations in Urban Terrain (MOUT) / Demolitions Familiarization

Strong Points: Music and Visual Arts / Bombs / Perfect English Accent (King’s English) / Girlfriends / Tripping over staircases

Languages: English


James Riley was born with an older sister – parents wanted a boy and got one him second. His father is an Engineer, and his mother is an Academy instructor. With weaker family support than his ARGUS team leader, he settled his own problems – something he lived with till now. He is a quiet person, keeping thoughts to himself even when facing difficulties.


Riley claims his biggest mistake in life was his poor attitude towards academics, beginning with high school. His older sister gave him some pressure, but Riley took advantage of his sister’s behavior with careful observations. With a rather clear understanding of how females behave and think, he became the most popular guy among the girls in high school – something which continued all the way to the Academy.


In high school, Riley decided for a career in the area of Performing or Visual Arts. He had a strong grasp on music and had great artistic capabilities – but his academics failed him. With a low chance of continued education, he recruited as a Starfleet officer and went up for the Academy and called up for the Marine Corps.


Riley spent three years as a Marine, visiting various planets and stations here and there. His life as a Marine was – as he described it – ‘fun’, and ‘much more exciting than sitting in front of a book at school’. The only thing he complained was the tough discipline and ‘restrictions’ between male and female members of the Corps.


After his three years as a Marine, he was recruited by an Intelligence officer as a field agent – Riley then spent a year at Starfleet Intelligence – Canadian Headquarters. He was then recruited by Kierstädt to SFI Canada’s Tactical Response Team, which he spent two years as second in command.


Riley is annoyed when Kierstädt comments on how ‘proper’ his English is – with the formal British accent and all… Kierstädt calls him the ‘King of England’.



Name: Jay, Matthew Erin

Nationality: Canadian

Date of Birth: SD. 238203.11

Education: High School Diploma, 1 Year College (Degree in Computer Programming), Starfleet Academy, SSF MOUT and Sniper’s Certification

Hometown: Halifax, Nova ScotiaCanada

Specialties: Computer Programming, SEC/TAC Sniper Cadre, SSFI Certification for Computer Programming and Program Development

Strong Points: Computers / Sniping / Basketball / Breaking things that aren’t his / Laughing at Torbert Atkinson / Weapons of Mass Destruction

Languages: English, Canadian French


Matthew Jay is the oldest of three children. He grew up as a bright, curious boy – and was always prone to get into trouble. His mother says how the majority of the family budget was on things Matt had destroyed. He also caused a significant amount of trouble at school.


Matt has two loves in his life: his girl, and his ancient computer system, which he keeps as a souvenir from the past, passed on through generations in his family line. He spends a lot of his spare time playing old computer games with his ‘Pentium IV 3.2 GHz’ computer system. Another ‘internal’ computer obsession would be the computer’s ‘ATI Radeon 9800XT Graphics Processing Unit’, which – he explains – is an essential component keeping his games alive.


Although Jay spent a year in College, earning a degree in Computer Programming, his other academics were of average. His greatest weakness was Mathematics, which he passed barely, luckily enough for a High School Diploma.


He applied for the Academy after College, he received his SSF Military Operations in Urban Terrain (MOUT) and Sniper’s Certification. He was accepted into Starfleet Intelligence for his skills in Programming and with some of his SSF training. Kierstädt was about to close off recruits for the Tactical Response Team, but needed one more person to take the position as a sniper and computer expert. Matt Jay was a perfect applicant, and was accepted.


Matthew Jay’s sport is undoubtedly basketball – he compares the sport with his sniping skills. He looks at the basketball shooting position as the interior of a ‘high powered sniper rifle’ – the target sights, round chamber and even the barrel.


Like most of the ARGUS team members, Jay has a team mate to pick on. He shows off his basketball skills and competes with Torbert Atkinson. At the targeting range, he mimics Atkinson’s shooting techniques and exaggerates them by placing a shot at the furthest target area from the center. Jay can make it worse by placing the shot meters off the target.



Name: Shimenski, Charlie Daniels

Nationality: American

Date of Birth: SD. 237903.17

Education: High School Diploma (Honors in Chemistry), Three Year College (Degree in Medicine, Chemistry and Biology), Starfleet Academy, SSF – MOUT and Medic’s Certification

Hometown: Langley, Virginia

Specialties: Military Operations in Urban Terrain (MOUT) / Medicine / Sciences / Weaponry

Strong Points: Medicine / Biology / Snowboarding / Challenging the ARGUS team leader

Languages: English, some Spanish


A military enthusiast and the smartest in the ARGUS team, Charlie Shimenski is well respected by his team mates. He is the younger of two siblings – with an older sister and brother. His father works as a Security officer at a Starbase, and his siblings just finished off from the Academy, graduating and taking the roles as Security or Tactical Officers.


Breaking off from ‘family tradition’, he takes on a position in Starfleet with the military, and stepping away from what he refers to as ‘law enforcement’ on board stations or starships (mainly because the military personnel held bigger guns). Since high school, he always wanted a career with some special military group in Starfleet.


As a boy, Shimenski was obsessed with the military. In high school, he was often seen wearing desert or urban camouflage fatigues and a Marine- issue rucksack that served carrying his books, rather than medical resources or ammunition.


His dream had always been to serve as a Special Forces operative, and hopes of joining Starfleet’s Intelligence Community. This was an ‘obsession’ that went on for a long time – he even boasted of his hometown (Langley, Virginia), the location of the American Central Intelligence Agency’s headquarters.


Starfleet Academy accepted him, but he was close to failing – his knowledge in general physics pulled him down real hard – especially on the Astrophysics course. Fortunately, the Academy looked at his impressive results in the area of biology, therefore accepting him.


Shimenski took a quick course in Starfleet Medical, passed it, and instantly moved towards the Intelligence community. His education in Starfleet was quick, and even his admission to the ARGUS group did not take too long.


Shimenski enjoys challenging the ARGUS team leader. Kierstädt was a skilled snowboarder, but not as good as Shimenski. Shimenski had better techniques, which Micah had trouble mastering. Charlie plays the electric guitar and the piano.



Name: Atkinson, Torbert Ellis

Nationality: Swiss

Date of Birth: SD. 238401.22

Education: High School Diploma, Starfleet Academy (Specialist in Engineering), Marine Corps Engineer’s and Recon Operative’s Certification

Hometown: Baden, Switzerland

Specialties: Computer, Electrical and Advanced Engineering / Technology Development / Military Operations in Urban Terrain (MOUT)

Strong Points: Engineering / Mathematics / Swearing in German / His Humor / Eating chicken wings like a dinosaur / Day dreaming

Languages: English, Swiss German, some Vulcan


At the age of fifteen, Torbert Atkinson thought his life was over when a family doctor told him he would suffer from chronic obesity. Atkinson watched as his younger brother grew up as an athletic person, participating in many physical activities – while he focused on other things like computer gaming or other forms of entertainment.


Toby’s days at school were not bad – he got decent grades and received his High School Diploma well over the passing level. He decided to enroll into Starfleet as an Engineer, holding a key interest in electricity (one thing Matt Jay finds weird) and computers. With fine grades, he skipped college or University – heading straight for the Academy. This was probably due to his laziness for extra education.


Laziness brought him down with a smack. He failed the electrical engineer’s examination on the first try, and barely passed advanced engineering. His life shattered before his eyes – and he wondered what lies ahead of him. With nothing else left, he looked at possible application forms for Colleges, when he found something. The Starfleet Marine Corps recruitment promised to work out applications for Colleges – this was for anyone interested in recruiting for military service – and Atkinson checked it out.


Several relatives were surprised when Atkinson decided to join up with the Marines – they did not expect him to make it, but Toby gave them another surprise. After returning from basic training, he had lost a hundred and thirty pounds. His confidence also increased by 300 percent. With the confidence, he re- wrote the engineering exams and passed all of them with results higher than 80 percent. With such success in the Marine Corps, he stayed and totally forgot about College (he now looks back at how the Corps can convince people). He joined the ARGUS group from the request for a skilled engineer. If it wasn’t for his time in the Marine Corps, Atkinson would never have made it through to ARGUS.


Torbert Atkinson keeps an eye on Matt Jay – it is a competition between the two. Atkinson’s favorite moments were back at SFI Canada, when he pulled a trick on Jay by modifying the replicator system in Jay’s office. Jay received a considerable amount of dog food.




ARGUS Intelligence operatives use the most sophisticated and meanest weaponry Starfleet Intelligence and Special Forces can offer – most are still in the development or testing stage.


Due to the covert nature of ARGUS operations, the team does not place normal Starfleet, Marine or Special Forces weapons as standard issue. Most of their weapons aren’t appropriate for most ARGUS Intel Operations – for example, the sound and light emitted by standard Starfleet weapons can reveal your position to the enemy. Instead, ARGUS takes in SFI’s weapon designs and modifies them to fit their needs. One example would be the modifications to the sights, additional barrel heatsinks, as well as mounts for the required telescopic scopes, flashlights or targeting devices.



Weapon Type: Secondary – Sidearm

Chambered Caliber: (Pulse) 64.00 SSF

Weight: 885 grams

Length: 200 mm

Action: Chamber Slide Action

Clip Capacity: 13 Rounds


Introduced as a tactical compact sidearm for SSF and SFI Intelligence operatives, the SSF Tactical is a chamber slide action (blowback operated) semi automatic, with a safety trigger mechanism, controlled by a secondary safety switch. Instead of the common phaser beams most hand phasers emit, the SSF Tactical releases short pulses of firepower (SSF Standard 64.00 Pulse). The pistol provides partial penetration against common body armor, distributing the energy along the target. This mode can be changed for precise shots.


Modifications/additions to the SSF Tactical include a dial-controlled targeting system, often with a wireless connection to the target receptors on the user’s goggles/eye shield. A tactical pistol flashlight can also be attached. Both modifications are mounted against a rail base to the underside of the pistol’s barrel, in front of the trigger guard. For covert operations, a short, cylindrical flash/sound suppressor can be attached.



Weapon Type: Primary – Carbine

Chambered Caliber: (Pulse) 45.00 SSF

Weight: 2.60 KG

Length: 690 mm

MAX. Rate of Fire: 790 Rounds per Minute

Clip Capacity: 40 Rounds


Taking the main idea of the standard Marine issue Phaser Compression Rifle, ARGUS built an entirely different frame and changed the designs of most internal components to fit their needs. This included the change of the barrel to fit the 64.00 SSF caliber. The technical name of the weapon is C-64, short for ‘Carbine 64’. As the ARGUS team’s primary offensive/defensive close quarters weapon, the C-64 is chambered for the same energy round as the SFI Tactical Pistol, allowing the operatives to switch ammunition between both weapons if necessary. The C-64 proves extremely accurate, even when set to full automatic.


Modifications/additions to the C-64 include a telescopic targeting scope from Aimpoint, a Swedish manufacturer of weapon optical sights. The scope provides a 6X magnification and an exo-graphic targeting system connected to the user’s goggle/eye shield. A tactical carbine flashlight can be attached, as well as a detection device with the sensors found in a tricorder. Rails on all sides of the carbine’s forearm allow multiple modifications. Sound/flash suppressors are often added to the carbines in stealth situations.



Weapon Type: Primary – Sniper

Chambered Caliber: (Pulse) 256.00 Offensive

Weight: 5.11 KG

Length: 1078 mm

Clip Capacity: 25 Rounds


Comparable to the Starfleet Standard TR-117 sniper rifle, the ARGUS Precision S-256 Offensive Sniper Rifle is the team’s long range weapon. The S-256 is a semi-automatic, high powered (caliber 256.00 OFNSV) weapon, utilizing the basic idea of a closed-bolt chamber rifle, complete with a heavy barrel coated with a heatsink material. It has an effective range of up to 800 meters. Modifications of the S-256 include the exo-graphic targeting system, and a telescopic sight with an 8X magnification. A sound/flash suppressor can be added.




The standard ARGUS uniform is the standard combat uniform without the tactical vest and other extra gear. ARGUS Operatives simply wear blue military fatigues (without camouflage colors/patterns). Gearing up for Operations would be adding the tactical vest and strap pouches to carry the required equipment. One pouch is placed on the shoulder area at the back of the vest, to hold the comm receptor (connected to the Operative’s earpiece and microphone). When camouflage is necessary, ARGUS Operatives wear the same fatigues, but with the appropriate camouflage colors and patterns, depending on the Op terrain (for example – DESERT conditions require the desert camouflage fatigues, light brown in color with streak/striped patterns of darker or lighter brown).




The ARGUS Tactical Vest takes the protective component of the Marine flak vests, with a few additional straps and Velcro for attaching pouches to store extra ammunition and other equipment. The vest is also modified with a power regeneration system, used mainly to regenerate the used energy in weapon ammo clips. The regeneration system’s secondary function is to keep the energy/shock absorbers in the vest at 100%. The vest’s shock absorbing system allows it to take multiple hits from any energy weapon. This prevents injury to the wearer for a long period of time, as long as the vest gets its chance to rebuild the deflective frame around itself.


The pouches attached to the vest can be re-arranged to the user’s specifications. Extra pouches are to be attached and locked in place with straps against the ARGUS Operative’s thighs, the same way the pistol holster would be. Standard pouches and vests are black, allowing for stealth operations that require the Operatives to take advantage of shadows. In other situations, the colors and camouflage patterns of the vests/pouches can be changed to fit the terrain (for example, desert, jungle or marine camouflage). Operatives also wear elbow and knee pads as another form of protection.




ARGUS Operatives wear standard military protective goggles, with a wireless connection to the targeting system/telescopic scope of the weapon the Operative is carrying. The goggles also have sensors similar to those found on a tricorder. These sensors are designed to function in four vision modes: Night Vision, Thermal Vision, Electromagnetic Tracking and Motion Detecting. Night Vision technology dates back to the 20th century. When activated, the sensors on the goggles enhance perception to light, displaying the image through a holographic frame in the goggle’s lens. All vision modes work this way. Night Vision proves useful in low-light conditions. A green color washes over the screen.


Thermal Vision switches the goggle’s entire holographic screening. It displays the amount of heat released by every object the user sees. Cold objects appear blue, while the hottest objects appear bright red or white. This vision mode is used to track down targets emitting heat – often living targets. Living targets appear distinct in cold, blue surroundings.


Electromagnetic Tracking maintains the goggle’s holographic screening, but enhances its perception to electromagnetic radiation. Electromagnetic radiation is often found in electrical devices, or almost any sophisticated device that uses electricity as a power source. This vision mode helps the user locate any sudden activation of an electrical device. For example, an ARGUS Operative will see an enemy target activate a pair of Night Vision goggles. In this vision mode, a blue color washes over the screen.


Motion Detecting allows the user to target any sudden movement in the area. For example, if an Operative is waiting for an enemy target to move, it would be best to activate this vision mode. Once the target is in motion, the sensors track it down.


The standard ARGUS eye-shield is a frameless protective shield that goes over the eyes, similar in shape to slim, angled ‘sunglasses’ worn by traffic police officers in the 20th century. The main difference is the color – unlike sunglasses, the eye-shields are transparent in color. They have the same vision modes as the military goggle except for Electromagnetic Tracking.