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"Indisputable Legend of Mount Everest"

In the famous city of Auckland, New Zealand, A mountaineer was born on July 20, 1919- When summitting Mount Everest was a dream only, 'Cause no one before had there been! Cold air, gusty winds, and high altitudes were making The assault an impossible mission- And Chomolungma* remained as a viable sensation In each mountaineer's vision! Successive attempts on all the Ridges failed, And trekkers were living in total despair- But pull of Mt. Everest was getting stronger In their minds, set to breathe the thin air! Darkness in the arena of trekking was suddenly Illuminated and quietly spellbound- By the brightness of this only trekker That nowhere else could be found! Later, the brightness became brighter as he was Growing up with trekking over the years- And proved that setting feet on Mount Everest Is quite possible while wiping the joy of tears!

Born in Tuakau near Auckland, with a true love For the mountain and sea- Edmund was the "man" to open The trekkers' minds with his special key! Through the years as a beekeeper and An avid mountaineer, he revealed the codes- Of combining ability and desire for his assault On Mount Everest while carrying on the loads! The world ushered in the "Edmund Era" To dignify mountaineering with his vision- And carried on the various expeditions To benefit mankind as a global mission! Today our beloved Edmund trots the globe To preach trekking for the humanitarian cause- And raises funds for the Himalayan Trust To improve Sherpa lives without a single pause!

Hello Edmund, please accept my deepest love And warmest respect- Your aspiring contributions are truly remarkable And really heartfelt! The trekkers around the world Keep a special spot just for you- Because your courage is awesome And draws the global view! You have achieved your spot through Indisputable sacrifice and enormous toll- And will remain vivid in the history Of mountaineering and in every trekker's soul! Via untiring patience, you landed on Mt. Everest On May 29th, Nineteen Fifty Three- And truly pioneered the explorations Of "Chomolungma" to set the trekking spree!

Today, we float our happiest minds Immersed in joy-moistened tear- And display our sincere affections For you, Edmund, without any fear! Your achievement in climbing Mt. Everest Is a defining moment of 20th Century for sure- Because you showed the human spirit While preaching that environment needs to be pure! Your victory with Tenzing Norgay To reach the highest place on Earth- Is now being celebrated as a Golden Jubilee And to express the mirth!

So, before conclusion, I love to say this- Although we know it's very true as it is: You conquered Mount Everest and the South Pole, And captured the world's imagination- To prove, indomitable spirit against the fiercest odds Can pass the trekking examination! The tales of your own achievements and generosity Will remain in the history pages- And inspire people of all walks of life, Irrespective of their national origin or ages! The way you used your fame to assist the people Who had helped you to reach Everest- Stunningly spans the globe and in the Sherpa Community, Who knows you at your best! You have devoted your life and limitless energies For the Nepalese without any pause- Followed by your sincere efforts and clean up Of Himalayas for environmental cause! You are the most famous living adventurer Of New Zealand and the global media hero- Still you remain so modest about summitting Everest With Tenzing from ground zero! You established Himalayan Trust to improve lives Of Sherpas and preserve their culture- Along with scaling expeditions and watch them With your own eyes sharp like a vulture! Sherpa people have led you to admire their strength, Enthusiasm, and sense of humor- While your faith in their endurance is now world known, And surpasses any rumor!

Today I salute your courage and sacrifice To bring the mysteries of Mount Everest down- While we celebrate the 50th Anniversary Around your birthplace and in Himalayan town! No doubt, you are a living legend of modern climbing And always planning the next goal- Without giving in to despair or complacency, And your heart resembles a mountain soul! Sir Edmund, you set your feet on the "roof of the world" Against the coldest snow- And made the new history, as found In the Everest tales, that we all read or know! You will always shine like an Indisputable Legend Of 21st Century throughout the Earth- While your footprints on Mount Everest Will aspire the new trekkers since their birth!!!

The Tibetan name of Mount Everest is "Chomolungma" (means 'Goddess Mother of the Snows'); and the Nepali name is "Sagarmatha" (means 'Mother of the Universe')

This poem is being dedicated to the world-renowned legendary mountaineer
Sir Edmund Percival Hillary on his 83rd birthday (July 20, 2002).

A Friend Most True

I need to know if you’re my true friend,
will you be by my side until the end?
Can I tell you my secrets deep,
and trust them in your heart you’ll keep?
We are neither of us without our flaws,
can you accept mine as I will yours?
I’ll be a shoulder to cry on when you’re blue,
will you be there for me when I need you?
No matter how busy I will make time for you,
if you are busy will you make time for me too?
I will take your hand and comfort your tears,
will you hold me and soothe my fears?
I will give you joy and many warm smiles,
can we share that even across many miles?
I will not forget what’s important to you,
will you remember what’s important to me too?
With you my most favourite things I’ll share,
If only I know do you truly care?
If you can accept me as I do you,
then I will know you are a friend most true.

I have had this page created for all my friends to share with me,
Please visit often and enjoy it with me....
All the very best,

Page Builder and Designer
Deep Dezires
August,25, 2002

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