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Maximus, who now resides with Kathryn Klar in utter bliss :) , is the product of Pooh and Orion and seems to be the most photogenic of the lot. I feel that Kathryn's words speak better than mine in describing what kind of personality he has and what joy these cats bring.

"I'm afraid Max has truly settled into his role as king of the world (in this house, anyway). There's still a feeding frenzy at meal time, but I think not having to beat anyone else out suits him just fine. Please tell Elodie not to worry. Max is perfect, and she does such a beautiful job with the kitties. I know how hard it must be to see them go, but Max has brought the joy back into this place. I think he does love me, but I love him too and I'm sure he recognizes that. I've long felt that cats really soak in our emotional states, without discriminating too much between them. So love, grief, happiness--the more intense the emotion, the more intense their response. He made friends immediately with one of my friends, a special, very spiritual and sensitive person. I guess Max sensed his basic personality and has twice curled up to sleep right next to his leg as we talked or watched tv. The last few days Max has shed the remnants of kitten-ness, and looks just like a mini grown-up cat, except that his little face still says "baby" at times. So elegant. He also smiles a lot. Max has made me into a confirmed Aby partisan. "

And finally, with this picture, it seems that certain family idiosyncrasies are alive and well.