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Padmanabha Rao Effect explains solar spectra of 01 August 2011


Revolutionary breakthrough in Solar Physics:

Uranium fission powers Sun light:


M.A.Padmanabha Rao

114 Charak Sadan, Vikas Puri, New Delhi 110018, India,



What causes enough Sun light during Sun’s waning period?

From the limited solar spectral data available it is interpreted that solar X-rays cause Bharat radiation, in turn cause EUV. Sun’s pictures available support the spectral data that solar X-rays cause Bharat radiation, in turn cause EUV, and UV. Both spectral data and Sun’s pictures disclose that solar X-rays DO NOT ULTIMATELY CAUSE ANY VISIBLE LIGHT (and infrared radiation though data is not available to me) from Sun spots, since the Sun’s core material at the site of fission seems to blow away after fission and emission of X-rays and Bharat radiation.


***The radioactive fallout after Uranium fission spreads throughout Sun’s surface emits gamma, beta and X-rays that generates Bharat radiation in turn causes relatively low intensity UV at 1600 and 1700 Å, but raise in visible light at 4500 Å (and infrared radiation though data is not available here).  This fallout accumulates from various fissions taking place at various sites simultaneously, and taken place previously. It is to note that since core material is blown away from sites of recent fission, these areas do not show any visible light emission and look black.  The rest of the widespread fallout on Sun’s surface has significant contribution to Sun light during waning period, when solar flares or Sun spots dips to minimum in number to one or two on the Sun’s disc seen at a time.



Traditionally, the source of the energy that the sun radiates is the fusion of hydrogen nuclei in the solar interior. However, UV dominant optical emission newly detected from radioisotopes and XRF sources reported in 2010 brought a fundamental change in understanding the source of Sun light, from fusion to Uranium fission that powers Sun light [1, 2]. UV dominance, common spectral feature between solar spectrum and the newly detected optical spectra of radioisotopes subscribed to the view that reproduction of Sun’s UV dominant optical emission became a possibility at laboratory level from radioisotopes.  The author also has reported that solar γ, β, or X-ray emissions generate some energy at eV level higher than that of UV, termed Bharat radiation , within the same excited atom that in turn causes UV dominant optical emission by the previously unknown atomic phenomenon described in Fig.6 in Ref.2The phenomenon was previously termed Padmanabha Rao Effect.  

However, the interpretation of the valuable solar spectral data suffered since γ, β, or X-ray causing Bharat wavelengths, which in turn causing UV dominant optical emission within excited atoms of radioisotopes being recent progress in X-ray physics, Nuclear Physics and atomic spectroscopy has not yet made any inroads into solar physics. Various publications since 1960s describe noteworthy detection of Solar X-rays, EUV and measurements of wavelengths in between X-rays and EUV, yet interpretation is lacking, say, why certain peaks appeared in their spectra. The situation remained the same even in the solar spectra cited here. 

Classification of solar spectra

The puzzling Solar spectra and Sun’s pictures became possible to successfully interpret on the basis that γ, β, or X-ray emissions in Sun first causes Bharat Radiation with energy higher than that of UV at eV level, in turn causes Sun light. Padmanabha Rao Effect providing most plausible explanation of Sun’s pictures and corresponding solar spectra hold the key for Uranium fission taking place simultaneously at several places on the core of the Sun.  The site of fission appears as Sun spot to a distance through satellites.  During solar maximum number of these sun spots would be more and the number gradually falls during waning period until one or two spots remain at solar minimum during 11 year solar cycle. The fission products, a wide range of radioisotopes with different half lives cause solar γ, β, and X-ray emissions having different energies. Solar spectrum reported by Thomas N. Woods et al. 2011 in the article helped to classify the solar spectra as described in the following:  Spectrum at 94Å is treated as X-ray spectrum, while at 131, 177, 193, 211, and 304Å as Bharat radiation spectra, at 335Å as EUV. Sun’s pictures at 1600 and 1700Å are considered as that of UV and 4500 Å as that of visible light. 


Explanation why Sun’s pictures did not show any visible light at 4500 Å

The solar X-rays might have been produced by X-rays, γ-rays or alpha particle from within the same excited atom.  If solar X-rays are truly produced by γ-rays or alpha particle, it suggests the presence of radioisotopes in Sun. Solar X-rays also can be the XRF from radioisotopes dominant in XRF emission. All low energies not only X-rays but also γ, and β contribute to maximum solar UV in the gross light intensity [Fig.3, Ref. 2]. That is why solar UV reaches maximum while visible and near infrared radiations remain very low in the gross light intensity, when solar cycle is at its maximum. Low energy, say, 0.013336 MeV (Rb XRF source) causes UV intensity as high as 99.62% in the gross light intensity [Table 1, Ref. 2]. Likewise, 0.05954 MeV (γ, 241Am) causes 98.03% UV. In comparison VIS, and NIR radiation intensities will be correspondingly low, say, 0.37, 0.01% respectively from Rb XRF source, and 1.91%, 0.06% from 241Am.  Likewise, since solar X-rays detected at 94Å are having low energy, Sun’s disc at visible light at 4500Å did not show any visible light emission. In clear words, solar X-rays caused Bharat radiation peaks and spectra at 131, 177, 193, 211, and 304Å, in turn caused EUV at 335Å, and UV at 1600Å and 1700Å, but not visible light at 4500Å. As a result the Sun spots appear as black spots against white background. Maximum solar UV and minimum VIS, and NIR intensities seem to be responsible for fall in temperatures when approaching towards North and South poles. 


Explanation why earth receives Sun light during Sun’s waning period

During Sun’s waning period, the 96% UV slowly falls to 83% with the decay of short lived radioisotopes and long lived radioisotopes like 60Co, 90Sr remains at the spot of fission (Sun spots) and spread all over the Sun’s surface due to fall out.  Though UV is predominant in general from radioisotopes  and XRF sources, UV falls from 99.62 to 83.36% when energy of maximum abundant γ, β or X-ray emission increases from 0.013336 MeV (Rb XRF) to 2.288 MeV (β, 90Y). The UV dips not below 83.36 in any case, from a relatively high energy source. For instance 131I, with 8.0197 days half life decays to insignificant levels after ten half lives, nearly 80 days later. Its predominant energy 0.6065 MeV (β) causes maximum UV (96.64%), while 3.22% VIS, and 0.14% NIR radiation intensities remain low in the gross light intensity [Table 1, Ref.2]. In comparison, 90Sr undergoes slow decay with long half life of 28.8 years and continue to produce 90Y (half life: 64 hours) until reaches insignificant levels after 288 years. The 96.64% UV caused by 0.6065 MeV energy (from 131I) dipped to 83.36% caused by 2.288 MeV energy (of β from 90Y), but VIS, and NIR radiation intensities raised to 8.02% and 8.62% respectively in the gross light intensity. Generally, the brilliant Sun’s disc at the central region and periphery seen at Bharat Wavelength at 211Å and not seen similar feature at 94 Å strongly suggests that it was caused by γ, or β. In turn During Sun’s waning period, the bright Bharat radiation at 211 Å has caused intense visible light at 4500 Å at the central region and periphery of Sun’s disc.


The Sun’s pictures and corresponding Solar spectra mentioned in the following being interpreted here are from the following website:


Classification of Electromagnetic spectrum into different wavelength ranges:


This was already dealt in the following website:

Solar XUV is identified as Bharat Radiation emission from radioisotopes produced by uranium fission:


Solar X-raysup to 12.5 nm or 125Å.

 Bharat Radiation spectra: 131, 171, 211, and 304Å

EUV: above 335Å


Padmanabha Rao Effect is a two stage phenomenon

1st stage: sometimes only 1st stage is noticed

Ionizing radiation energy, whether of X-ray, γ or β relatively loses more energy though at eV level, generates Bharat Radiation with the same energy (relatively with much energy at eV level).  


1 (a).  X-rays causing Bharat Radiation: It was first seen whether there is any Solar X-ray line or peak at 94Å, and if so whether it has caused any Bharat Radiation peaks at the same time in Bharat Radiation spectra recorded at 131, 171, 193, 211, 304 Å.


X-ray line or sharp peak.

Sometimes X-ray line or peak is seen in these spectra without supporting lines at any other wavelengths. That means these X-rays simply escaped from excited atom without producing any Bharat radiation. This happens when most of the core electrons are knocked out by gamma rays produced during Uranium fission. As a result, only two or three filled shells are left over and there may not be any core electron in outer shell for X-ray to cause Bharat radiation. Without causing Bharat radiation, it cannot generate directly EUV either.


Many peaks are seen at 94 Å that could be due to bremsstrahlung from beta emitters, most common in Uranium fission.


1. (b).  γ or β causing Bharat Radiation: In the following solar spectra, there are instances where X-ray peak is absent but Bharat Radiation peaks are seen at 131, 171, 211, or 304Å. These instances provide direct evidence to Bharat Radiation peaks caused by γ or β emission from radioisotopes produced by uranium fission on Sun.  Gamma spectrum is not provided here to show direct evidence.  Instead of peaks, mounts ranging several wavelengths are also commonly seen in the following spectra.


As hard γ or β relatively loses less energy while passing though core Coulomb field though at eV level and  generates Bharat Radiation with the same energy (relatively with less energy at eV level), Bharat Radiation peaks appear at high wavelengths say at 211 or 311Å or at both wavelengths in the spectra here.


Bharat Radiation Mounts: Sometimes a Bharat Radiation spectrum at 131, 171, 211, or 304Å show mount like pattern ranging several wavelengths. Correspondingly, such mounts are not seen at X-ray. It is due to abundant γ or β emission, or both with different energies from radioisotopes causing Bharat Radiation at several wavelengths.


Both stages of Padmanabha Rao Effect

X-ray causing EUV:  If simultaneously seen X-ray peak at 94Å, peaks in one or more Bharat Radiation spectra at 131, 171, 211, and 304Å, and EUV peak at 335Å at the same time then it pinpoints that X-rays at 94Å has caused Bharat peak or peaks, in turn caused EUV peak at 335Å  

γ or β is causing EUV: When X-ray peak is absent but Bharat Radiation peaks at one or more wavelengths: 131, 171, 211, or 304 Å, and a EUV peak at 335Å seen at the same time pinpoints that γ or β has caused the EUV peak.

EUV line caused by Thermal excitation

Only when EUV line is present, and X-ray and Bharat Radiation peaks are absent, then it pinpoints that EUV line is caused by Thermal excitation. 


Interpretation of Solar Spectra of 01 August 2011


 1 Aug 2011

X-ray emission line (X-ray escape line)

At around 5.45 hr: First arrow from left: X-ray emission line present at 94 Å did not produce any Bharat Radiation line at 131,171, 211 or 304Å or any EUV peak at 335 Å.   EXPLANATION: Assuming the line represents K X-ray of an element, the X-ray simply escaped from excited atom without causing Bharat radiation in L or M orbit since the outer orbit may not be a filled orbit.  This happens in the case of a highly ionized atom with only two or three filled orbits, probably due to knocking out most core electrons by γ-rays generated from radioisotopes during uranium fission. These solar X-rays are caused by Sun spots lying in a row in the upper hemisphere (view the Sun’s pictures in the following).


X-rays causing Bharat Radiation in turn causing EUV:

Demonstrates both stages of Padmanabha Rao Effect

At 7.30 hr: Along with sharp and tall X-ray peak at 94 Å, Bharat Radiation peaks simultaneously present at 131, 171,211, and 304 Å and a peak merged with a EUV peak at 335 Å pinpoints solar X-rays at 94 Å have caused Bharat Radiation at 131, 171,211, and 304 Å and EUV at 335 Å.


γ or β causing Bharat Radiation in turn causing EUV:

Demonstrates both stages of Padmanabha Rao Effect


Along with Bharat Radiation peaks at 171, 211 Å, a EUV peak at 335Å simultaneously present pinpoints γ or β may have caused Bharat Radiation peaks at 171, 211 Å and a prominent EUV peak at 335Å.  In nutshell, first solar X-rays have caused Bharat Radiation and in turn EUV, and after around 30 min γ or β caused separate peaks Bharat Radiation peaks at 171, 211 Å, and in turn caused EUV peak at 335 Å. The peak at 335 Å could be due to contribution by X-rays and γ or β. 


X-rays causing Bharat Radiation in turn causing EUV:

Demonstrates both stages of Padmanabha Rao Effect

Close to 22.15 hr: FIFTH ARROW FROM LEFT: Second tallest peak: Like the twin X-ray peaks at 94 Å, twin Bharat Radiation peaks are also simultaneously present at 131, 171,211, and 304 Å and a EUV peak at 335 Å pinpoints solar X-rays at 94 Å have caused Bharat Radiation at 131, 171,211, and 304 Å and EUV at 335 Å.


At 01-00 hr: Like the X-ray peaks at 94 Å, Bharat Radiation peaks are also simultaneously present at 131 and 304 Å and a wide EUV peak at 335 Å pinpoints solar X-rays at 94 Å have caused Bharat Radiation at 131 and 304 Å and in turn caused EUV at 335 Å.


12-40 hr: Like the X-ray peaks at 94 Å, Bharat Radiation peaks are also simultaneously present at 131 (prominent), tiny peaks at 211 Å and 304 Å (prominent) and a prominent  EUV peak at 335 Å pinpoints solar X-rays at 94 Å have caused Bharat Radiation at 131, 211 and 304 Å and in turn caused EUV at 335 Å.


Close to 17.5 hr: FOURTH ARROW FROM LEFT: Like the twin X-ray peaks at 94 Å, Bharat Radiation peaks are also simultaneously present at 131, and  304 Å (prominent) and a prominent  EUV peak at 335 Å pinpoints solar X-rays at 94 Å have caused Bharat Radiation at 131 and 304 Å and in turn caused EUV at 335 Å.


Except an X-ray line and few peaks mentioned already, X-ray spectrum at 94 Å almost remained flat.  From 4-00 hr onwards, constantly raising Bharat Radiation mounts at 171 and 211 Å could be due to low energy γ or β from radioisotopes produced by Uranium fission. This could be due to slight rise in Bharat radiation at 177 and more at 211 Å throughout the disc and Sun’s periphery, and not similarly seen at 94 Å, caused by γ or β from radioisotopes produced by Uranium fission. 


The reason for Bharat radiation mounts from 4-00 hr onwards at 171, and 211 Å not causing similar mounts at EUV at 335 Å is that Bharat radiation simply escaped from excited atoms because there may not be any core electron in outer orbit for valence excitation and causing EUV, UV, visible and near infrared radiations as in the case of tritium .


A comparison of solar X-ray spectrum at 94 Å and EUV spectrum at 335 Å reveals that although X-ray spectrum remained almost flat most times, the EUV emission took place from 4-00 to 20-00 hr.


Which one of the following X-ray, γ or β contributed to Sun light? 

The solar spectra did not include those of visible light and infrared radiation.  However, series of Sun pictures provided at various wavelengths reveal the following. Solar X-rays cause Bharat radiation at 131, 177, 211, and 304 Å, EUV at 335 Å at the same spots. After these emissions, these Sun spots appeared black in UV at 1600, and 1700 Å and visible light at 4500 Å as there was no UV and visible light emissions since the Sun’s core material might have been blown away. Enlarged picture of Sun shown at 1600 and 1700 Å in the following reveal that solar X-rays at 94Å have caused UV emission probably from number of holes that appear like rings or chemical structures around black area and also from holes formed like ring little away from black area.


The fission products (radioisotopes) from fallout widely spread throughout Sun’s surface might be causing uniform brightness at the central region of Sun’s disc at 211 Å (Bharat Radiation) and at 4500 Å (visible light). This provides the key why Earth receives visible light and infrared radiation from central areas of Sun’s disc during Sun’s waning period.


The following Sun’s pictures are from:

Solar disc at 94 Å. Bright spots are due to solar X-rays.

Solar disc at 131 Å. Bright spots are due to Bharat radiation caused by solar X-rays from same spots.

Solar disc at 177 Å. Bright spots are due to Bharat radiation caused by solar X-rays from same spots. Slight increase in Bharat radiation is seen throughout the disc and Sun’s periphery than at 131 Å. This is corroborated with the mount rising from 5-00 hr onwards in the solar spectra that has no similarity with X-ray spectrum at 94Å. Probably, the intense Bharat radiation at the centre of disc and periphery might have been caused by γ or β from radioisotopes produced by Uranium fission.

Solar disc at 211 Å. Bright spots are due to Bharat radiation caused by solar X-rays. Notably, Bharat radiation seen more throughout the disc and Sun’s periphery than at 94 Å might have been caused by γ or β from radioisotopes produced by Uranium fission. This is corroborated with the mount rising from 5-00 hr onwards in the solar spectra that has no similarity with X-ray spectrum at 94Å.

Solar disc at 304 Å. Bright spots are due to Bharat radiation caused by solar X-rays from same spots. Bharat radiation at 304 Å is confined only to Sun spots unlike that at 211Å.

Solar disc at 335 Å. Bright spots are due to EUV. Solar X-rays caused Bharat radiation in turn caused EUV from same spots, providing direct evidence to Padmanabha Rao Effect. Enlarged picture reveals UV is also seen in some areas of the disc or at Sun’s periphery like 304Å.

Solar disc at 1600 Å. Sun spots are seen black because UV emission did not take place from black area where Uranium fission might have taken place but Sun’s core material at the site of fission might have been blown away after fission and emission of X-rays and Bharat radiation. Solar X-rays at 94Å have caused UV emission probably from number of holes that appear like rings or chemical structures around black area and also from holes formed like ring little away from black area.

See further comments at the enlarged picture in the following.



Solar disc at 1700 Å Sun spots are seen black because UV emission did not take place from black area where Uranium fission might have taken place but Sun’s core material at the site of fission might have been blown away after fission and emission of X-rays and Bharat radiation. Solar X-rays at 94Å have caused UV emission probably from number of holes that appear like rings or chemical structures around black area and also from holes formed like ring little away from black area.  Fission seems to be taking place at little deep from Sun’s surface. UV is seen like beams from numerous gaps throughout the Sun’s surface.


See further comments at the enlarged picture in the following.


Solar disc at 4500 Å (visible light). Sun spots are seen black because visible light did not take place from that area.  The Sun’s core material at the site of fission might have been blown away after fission and emission of X-rays and Bharat radiation.


Visible light is more at the centre of the disc than at 94 Å could be due to fall out (radioisotopes) spread all over Sun’s surface after fission. These radioisotopes might be hard γ or β emitters.  That is why visible light is of considerable intensity at the central area of Sun’s disc than at EUV. This can be understood from Fig.3 or Table 1 of Braz.J.phy, March 2010.


What causes enough Sun light during Sun’s waning period?

From the limited solar spectral data available it is interpreted that solar X-rays cause Bharat radiation, in turn cause EUV. Sun’s pictures available support the spectral data that solar X-rays cause Bharat radiation, in turn cause EUV, and UV. Both spectral data and Sun’s pictures disclose that solar X-rays DO NOT ULTIMATELY CAUSE ANY VISIBLE LIGHT (and infrared radiation though data is not available to me) from Sun spots, since the Sun’s core material at the site of fission seems to blow away after fission and emission of X-rays and Bharat radiation.


***The radioactive fallout after Uranium fission spreads throughout Sun’s surface emits gamma, beta and X-rays that generates Bharat radiation in turn causes relatively low intensity UV at 1600 and 1700 Å, but raise in visible light at 4500 Å (and infrared radiation though data is not available here).  This fallout accumulates from various fissions taking place at various sites simultaneously, and taken place previously. It is to note that since core material is blown away from sites of recent fission, these areas do not show any visible light emission and look black.  The rest of the widespread fallout on Sun’s surface has significant contribution to Sun light during waning period, when solar flares or Sun spots dips to minimum in number to one or two on the Sun’s disc seen at a time.



Notably, enlarged Sun’s picture at 1600Å (UV) reveals black area because UV emission did not take place from that area. Solar X-rays at 94Å have caused UV emission probably from number of holes that appear like rings or chemical structures around black area and also from holes formed like ring little away from black area.  The Sun’s core material at the site of fission might have been blown away after fission and emission of X-rays and Bharat radiation. Fission seems to be taking place at little deep from Sun’s surface. UV is seen like beams from numerous gaps throughout the Sun’s surface.




The above Sun’s picture at 1700Å (UV):   As happened at 1600Å, this enlarged picture reveals black areas because UV emission did not take place from those areas. However, UV emission took place from number of holes that appear like rings or chemical structures all around black Sun spot, and also from holes formed like ring little away from black area.  The Sun’s core material at the site of fission (black areas) might have been blown away after fission and emission of X-rays and Bharat radiation. Fission seems to be taking place at little deep from Sun’s surface. UV is seen like beams from numerous gaps throughout the Sun’s surface.




Solar disc at 4500 Å (visible light).  Sun spots are seen black because visible light did not take place from those areas, since Sun’s core material at the site of fission (black areas) might have been blown away after fission and emission of X-rays and Bharat radiation. The fission products (radioisotopes) from fallout widely spread throughout Sun’s surface might be causing uniform brightness at the central region of Sun’s disc at 211 Å (Bharat Radiation) and at 4500 Å (visible light). This provides the key why Earth receives visible light and infrared radiation from central areas of Sun’s disc during Sun’s waning period.



1. M.A. Padmanabha Rao, Invited Paper. Solar x-rays, gamma rays, and electrons cause EUV by a previously unknown atomic phenomenon in Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Human Ecology and Nature (HEN2008), Moscow-Ples, Russia, 2008, edited by Vladimir V.Zaitsev (Moscow Scientific and industrial Association “Radon”) p.45.

2. M A Padmanabha Rao, UV dominant optical emission newly detected from radioisotopes and XRF sources, Brazilian Journal of Physics, vol. 40, no. 1, March 2010,

3. Solar XUV is identified as Bharat Radiation emission from radioisotopes produced by uranium fission,


Selected References on Bharat radiation and UV dominant optical emission from radioisotopes and XRF sources: