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Info On Safwan

Safwan Javed was born on April 13, 1974 in Charlottetown, PE. At the moment, he's 6'1 with deep brown eyes from his Pakistani heritage. Safwan lived in Pakistan from when he was six months 'til four years old, then moved back to PEI until six and a half and then Saskatoon, SK.

When Sef was seven or eight years old, he had decided that he wasnted to play the drums. He had seen a Beatles movie and thought that Ringo was "so funny". Also he loved the line in the movie were one of the other Beatles said: "Nobody touches Ringo's drums".

When asked if he plans on making music forthe rest of his life He says that "Music will always be an integral part of my life but I would like to do other things (not insted of, rather along with). Hopefully music might allow me to do some things I might have had trouble doing otherwise."

While growing up,he had some wondeful encouragment from his mother although she was envisioning more of a classical/orchestral musical interest and expression. He recieved his first set of drums when he was seven or eight although it was only a toy set. When Sef was 10, his father bought him a five piece Pearl set of used drums. He did take lessons for a few initial years, then just played his brains out.

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