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What's up bubba? Seems you done stumbled cross my li'l neck o' the woods. (See what happens when you go looking for a new fried possum recipe!) Now I know yer sittin' there askin' yourself..."Where in tarnation am I?" Well son, you jest found yourself at TECHNECK.COM. Now I bet you wanna know what a TECHNECK is. Let me clarify this for ya.

TECHNOLOGY + REDNECK = TECHNECK. (See, that wasn't so bad.)

I got learnt on a li'l bit o' H-T-M-L 'cause I couldn't find me no web-sites on fishin here in South Carolina. So I thunk to myself, "I'm gonna make me one!"

Now here's what your gonna find here. First off, all the stuff in these pages, unless other wise de-noted, is my experience or lack thereof! So don't come crying to me if fishing in your drawers don't help you catch more fish! (Maybe your drawers ain't as perty as mine!) I plan on tellin' ya what I fish for, how I fish for 'em, and where I fish for 'em. I'm gonna run off at the mouth 'bout my fishin' philosophy, tell you 'bout which tackle shops I go to, let you meet some o' the locals that edumucated me, and even put up some o' my fav-o-rite fishin' quotes. On top of all that, I'm gonna take a stab at bein' funny, and put up a "You might be a techneck if..." section, and my photo gallery. I sure hope this page helps your fishin' and gets a chuckle or two out of ya. Good Luck and Tight Lines to ya!


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(02/06/00) Go see the Yahoo! South Carolina Fishin' Club I founded!