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-Thank you for coming to my site. On this site I hope to have all kinds of paintball resources. Also I will have a picture section with all kinds of paintball guns and paintball fields. I also want to post information about me and my local paintball fields and paintball scene. I hope to have reviews and articles on various paintball products from hoppers to guns! I hope you all enjoy this web site, and pass the word arounf about it so i can get this site to grow and become popular.

-Theres some new products out on the market and Im going to spend these next 2months reviewing them and posting up what I think about them. I have some exclusive pics from the new face full magazine, I will get more as they come. There is nudity, so if you are offended by nudity dont enter the page! Enter Here, to see facefull pics. -Ok... As you can see I've put up 3 banners on this page.. please suport this website and click on them and sign up for there services, Im running low on money, and I need more to keep this website going. So Just take a couple minutes of your time and sign up. Thanks, Steven.

-As you can see, I have been doing some work to the pages in the past weeks. I will have a webcam after christmas so I will be able to take recent pics of my gun and myself. So look forward to a whole new site.

A pic of me poseing for tha camera!!


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©Copyright January 9, 2001 Tha Paintball Shop. All rights reserved.
Last Updated, July 16, 2001. 10:32:56pm eastern