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As you can see these won't all be Tenchi or anime related,
but i'm am keeping it animated so far.
A short warning, I hate MTV, and when talking about them,
I tend to let the language slip a little.
So i'll apologize in advance. Peace.

Though not a complete fanatic, Daria was the only show on MTV worth a damn to me.
It lasted 5 years, which is five years longer than all of MTV's other animated shows
(Beavis and Butthead non-withstanding, don't know how long they lasted but they kicked ass).
Remember Spy Groove? How about Ground Zero? Undergrads? Downtown? No?
That's because Daria drop kicked those bitch ass shows in the balls.
Never seen the show? No prob. Just check this site and they'll fill you in.

If I can watch nasty ass ho's shake their fake titties all
over the place on DVD, then surley I can watch a fine
program like Daria on my fancy $200 machine. Right? Hello? Well sort of.
MTV's been cool enough to recently release the first Daria movie on
DVD, so buy that shit. So what's everyone bitch'n about if
Daria's already on DVD? Well i'll tell you skippy. That DVD has
the first movie and 2 episodes. So where are the other 4 seasons,
the 2nd movie, the tv spots, the behind the scenes crap, the kick ass
artwork featured in Daria themed music video and episode marathons, the retrospective episode,
and the other cool shit? It's brushing elbows with the likes of Spy Groove
and Undergrads in MTV's vault, and I would'nt wish that on my
worst enemies. So here's the deal. Click the above link and sign
the official petition to get Daria a respective DVD box set or something.
That shit would kick. So be cool and go check it.