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Spirit Dreamer's Hearth

Welcome to my virtual home. I hope you enjoy touring it as much as I have enjoyed building it.

We all have hopes, dreams, wishes and prayers. At times, we may feel like no one (not even the Heavenly ones, let alone, the Almighty) is listening to them...but, rest assured, they are always being listened to and they 'are' answered--when the timing is right. WE may think that we know when the timing is right for us but we 'must' trust the heavens...they know much more than we do! We must be patient for this to take place, we must believe and trust in our heavenly ones, and we must 'never' stop praying...after all...if something is worth praying for then isn't it worth waiting for?

I have found that when I learned to listen with an open heart (instead of my selfish side) that alot of my prayers and wishes have 'already' come true. Try may come to the same conclusion...(smiles)

I have found that everything, eventually ends up okay. If it's not okay, then it's not over yet!

-- Everything in life is a challenge...
-- Analyze yourself before criticizing others...
-- The mind is like a parachute ~ it only works whin it's open...
-- There is so much bad in the best of us ~ and so much good in the worst of us...
-- Everyone has an attitude ~ some good ~ some bad ~ the choice is yours...
-- It's choice ~ not chance, that determines destiny...
-- Control your own destiny ~ or someone else will.

--- "Talk the Talk"

I hope you have enjoyed my Home page.
There is more if you have time to continue.
If you don't have the time right now, never fear...
I will always be right here.
Your invitation is always open
and I am always just piddling around.
So, just stop by any ole time.
Ya never what new stuff ya just might find.

My personal prayer for each of you:
"May you always have a rainbow over your shoulder and may you walk in sunshine, forever." Smiles!

Take care!!

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