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Support freedom

Welcome South-C fans, and soon to be fans. I know you thought it would never happen, but South-C has recieved an update. The status of our artists has been updated, and you can find out all about that on their separate pages. Company news, as always, can be found on the Bulletin Board page, and we have a few new LINKS for you to explore. So LADIES and GENTS, Enjoy!!! We here at South-C productions incorperated do not promote or condone any action or behavior that is deemed illegal by the laws of the country, state, county, city, or any other such delineation, in which our artists, other employees or fans live. We may be unconventional, but we are legal.

What is South C

Where to go next.

Bulletin Board
South-C Links
Daniel's Hole in the Web
J.C.'s Page
South-C comment forum:provided by