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Sea Island Divers

Sea Island Divers is a proposed, full service dive center in Beaufort, South Carolina. We will provide dependable dive training, equipment, and diver services at the best value while promoting scuba diving in a positive and professional manner. Sea Island Divers will be a member of the Professional Association of Diving Instructors(PADI), which provides quality training materials and standards.

Jason Owen will be the manager/operator of Sea Island Divers. Jason is a PADI Master Diver Trainer in good standing. His successes include dive operations in the Beaufort, SC area, as well as managing a PADI five star instructor development center and retail store in Virginia.

The Investment Opportunity

At this time we are seeking $250,000 start-up capitol to purchase inventory, an air compressor, training materials, and equipment. For as little as $10 you can become a partner in Sea Island Divers. Your investment will be held in an interest bearing account. If funding has not been completed within 12 months, you will have the option of having your investment returned in full plus the interest it has earned. Once funding has been completed Sea Island Divers may begin to buy back the partnerships at a rate of 125% of their original purchase price. The profits will be divided as follows on a quarterly basis:

20% will be divided among the partners proportionate to the investment they made.

20% will be divided as incentives for the employees of Sea Island Divers.

60% will be put back into Sea Island Divers to promote continued growth.

The Benefits

Sea Island Divers wants to offer our partners a little bit more than just the financial rewards. We plan to offer an instuctor led dive trip at least once a month. Partners will have the opportunity to join in at a reduced rate(up to 45% off). These trips will include locations in the Caribbean, Australia, and Hawaii. You don't have to be a diver to enjoy these locations. If you are a diver, a free specialty course will be offered to you on each of these trips. Want to explore part of the world on your own? No problem! We plan to provide custom trips as well as our organized excursions at reduced rates for our partners. As a complete dive training and service center we will offer a full range of equipment and services, all of which will be available to our partners at discounts of up to 60%. We don't plan on forgetting our beginnings. Once your partnership has been purchased by Sea Island Divers, you will be able to enjoy these benefits for as long as we are in business. Your small investment now will continue to profit you for a long time to come.

Click here to become a partner.

Click here for a copy of our business plan.

Click here to check up on our status.

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