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Raven's Amber Essences

Not many people get the chance to start over, twice... But, I guess I did. I have a wonderful fiancee, a beautiful daughter, a baby on the way, great parents, spectacular sisters, and a new place to live. In short I've been handed a brand new life. Go figure... So basically this entire page is going to be about my "brand new life." So here's where it starts...

Tone, my wonderful fiancee, I guess we'll start with him... Here's a romance for the books: Love at first sight! I met him through my friend, Tim, who happens to be Tone's cousin, and fell for him right then and there, but couldn't show it at the time because he had a girlfriend. So I bided my time (for a very long time), and when he started to chill with an old friend of mine, I saw that my opportunity had finally arrisen. And started to get to know him. But, it wasn't until I started to go out with a real jerk that worked at the local mall, that Tone and I really started to talk, though. He didn't like the guy, and from what he says he spent the entire time trying to get the jerk to dump me.

At long last Tone made the move I'd been waiting for: he asked me to come to his apartment and chill for a while!! Gratefully I accepted, and he came to pick me up, from the jerk's house. I ended up spending the night, and much to my suprise, I was the one who kissed him first! Tone was a complete gentleman. I dumped the jerk the next day, and hooked up with Tone. From that point on he and I were inseperable...

Well, I ended up pregnant within the first few weeks of being together, and Tone and I were exstatic! This would be our second child. Our first daughter Camila, is the daughter of my heart and soul. And the little one we have on the way, is the child of my flesh and blood. Though no one would ever know that Camila wasn't my own from the start...

We are in the process of fighting tooth and nail for rights to Camila, but because her biological mother caused such havoc when she abandoned the baby, that it's going to be a long, drawn out, heart-wrenching battle... One that I hope with all my heart, and pray with all my soul, we win...

In the mean time Tone and I are busy planning our upcoming wedding, and while I am trying to get settled in our new home, in South Carolina, he's up in Connecticut trying to get our daughter back...

UPDATES!!!!! Well, our BEAUTIFUL BABY GIRL: Kyllan Ryanne, was born on December 4th, 2001!!!! She was 8 pounds 6 ounces and 20 1/2 inches long at birth!!! Pictures of her will be posted soon!!! Much love all!!!