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       Swift Creek Middle School PTSO


Come join us at our next meeting.
PTSO meetings are held on the third Tuesday of each month at 6:30pm in the Swift Creek Middle School Media Center.

Meeting Minutes of September 4, 2001

The meeting was called to order at 7:05 pm. 
Present:  Karen Minder, Maureen Thompson, Jane Todd, Becky L, Betty Ashby, Jamie Brown, Lauren Geiger, Jody Washburn, Cheryl Maze, Linda Presnell, Alice Caswell, Sheri Richey, Eva Davis, Jay Vanture

Principal’s Report:
Dr. Caswell reported that the year was off to a good start.  We had the usual lunchroom and bus troubles; parent volunteers helped get things back on track.  Adjustments have been made to give students extra time to eat lunch if held up as a result of long lines, and adjustments were made in bus routes to overcome some initial overcrowding.  Swift Creek received $86,000 as a reward for our “A+” grade.  SAC & SITE committees will decide how to divide this money.  Members of the SAC (School Advisory Council) committee will be elected at the September 13th open house.  The District budget is tight.  Much of the extra money coming from the State has been earmarked for fixed categories and can’t be used as needed.  The base student allocation went down overall.
Treasurer’s Report:
Lauren Geiger reported that an accountant has reconciled our books and recommended a format for reporting each month.  Karen Minder went down the line items, explaining what each category of expenses represented (from last year’s budget).  Thanks to previous successful fundraising campaigns, the PTSO has $14,737.25 in the general checking account.  This year’s budget hasn’t been set yet.  Karen Minder made a motion to approve the Treasurer’s report and all approved.
There was discussion regarding ways to earn interest on our money until it is disbursed (i.e., short term CDs).  A motion was made to investigate the possibility of becoming a non-profit organization and to talk to our bank (Capital City) about getting an interest bearing checking/savings account.  Motion was seconded and approved unanimously.  A motion was made to have two signers on the checking account, with the co-presidents, SCMS Principal, and PTSO treasurer serving as signers.  The motion was seconded and approved.  A Budget Committee was created.  Sheri Richey, Jamie Brown, Karen Minder, Lauren Geiger, & Dr. Caswell volunteered to serve.  A committee meeting date was set for September 18th, in the school office at 6:30 pm.
Secretary’s Report:
Karen Minder went over the last meeting’s report.  Cheryl Maze made a motion to approve the report as presented and all approved.  Cheryl Maze went over the box top campaign mentioned in last month’s report, explaining that it is an easy way for the school to earn cash money – if it is promoted effectively to our families.  It was suggested to have students bring in the box tops and write their names on the back.  Then staff would draw names for prizes.  This might motivate students and parents to participate in this campaign.  A motion was made and approved to use $100 for gift certificates to use as prizes and to start drawing names as soon as next week (week of 9/10).  For future prizes, we will try to get movie tickets, gift certificates to the school Book Fair, and other items donated.  The box top prize giveaway will be promoted through the school news program, and by sending flyers home with the students.
New Business:
A request was made that the PTSO reimburse Mr. Humphrey (a school teacher currently on leave due to illness) for 30 calculators he purchased for his classroom.  The cost was $320.68.  Motion was approved.  Cheryl Maze made a motion to reimburse Karen Minder $132.73 for costs incurred hosting a teacher breakfast in August.  Motion was approved.  This year’s Open House is scheduled for Thursday, September 13, from 5:30 pm – 8 pm.  PTSO will need a volunteer to speak to parents during the presentation portion of the evening.  Eva Davis volunteered.
The following Board Members for the 2001–02 school year were approved:
Co-Presidents:               Eva Davis & Karen Minder
Secretary:                     Maureen Thompson
Treasurer:                      Lauren Geiger
SAC Representative:      Sheri Richey
Volunteer Coordinators:  Cherie Daume  (6th grade)
                                    Cathy Ray  (7th grade)
                                    Karen Minder  (8th grade)
Newsletter Editor:          Jay Vanture
Member At Large:          Dr. Alice Caswell

A new SITE representative is needed.  This person would need to be available every other Tuesday at 4 pm for on-site meetings with teachers and administrators from Swift Creek.  No one was able to immediately commit to this, so the issue was tabled until the next meeting.  The meeting adjourned at 8:30 pm.


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