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Pillars of San Carlos City

    The following are the people who led the city to the road of progress.  As public servant, educator, industrialist or pioneers in their own field.


       Born on the last quarter of 19th century.   He obtained his education from San Alberto Magno Colege in Dagupan City and University of Sto. Tomas.  A practicing lawyer during his lifetime.

        He served the government as Municipal President of San Carlos from 1908 to 1909.  Representative of the second district of Pangasinan from 1916 to 1919; Provincial Board Member in 1930's and as Ad-interim Provincial Governor in 1931.



        Founder of the First Rural Bank iin the province as "Kaluyagan Rural Bank" in 1953 and maintained "Palaris Colleges" which used to be one of the best schools in the area.



        Appointed as Liberation Mayor  in 1945 and won the 1947 election under the banner of Liberal Party, "Aliguas Kareenan."  Served as the first City Mayor from 1960 to 1967 and as third City Mayor from 1972 to June 15, 1976.


VICENTE G. FERRERvic.jpg (4928 bytes)

        Born March 24, 1961, a native of Barangay Ano, San Carlos City.  He took up his collegiate degree from University of the East with the degree of Bachelor of Science in Business Administration in 1982 and completed his academic requirements for Doctor of Education at Pangasinan State University.  An EDP Specialist; System Analyst of De La Salle University and Educator in some of Dagupan's Leading colleges.

        Founded Marian Computer Institute in 1992 an acted as its President.  The school was renamed Marian Computer College in 1997.   The school is  one of the promising institution of San Carlos City with respect to educating the youth.  He revolutionized Secondary Education when he opened the Science and Technology High School  on June 1999.



        A descendant of Ari Kasikis, the last ruler of Caboloan.  Served as maestro del campo in the 1660's.  He decided the people of Pangasinan for the first time, particularly the Anacbanua (tribute paying family) to revolt againts Spain from December 15, 1660 to 1661 from which he proclaimed himself King of Pangasinan.



       The last native of Caboloan at around 1570's wiht Binalatongan as seat of his Kingdom.



       Born September 27, 1923, died August 14, 1996.  A private medical practitioner.  In the government service, he served as number one City Councilor (1964-1967), as the second City Mayor (1968-1971) and as City Vice Mayor (1989-1992).


JUAN PALARIS y DELA CRUZpalaris.jpg (3466 bytes)

        His real name is PANTALEON PEREZ.   Born in 1733 at Barrio Coliling.  His father Tomas Perez was the cabeza de barangay.

        He incited rebellion against Spain from 1762 to 1765 when the Spaniards lost their popularity after the Spanish-British war in Manila and because of oppression that his townfolks are suffering from the Spanish authorities.

"I am a person who was born with a gift which no other person can have.  Notwithstnding this gift, every person will die and everything he possesses in this land of tears must be returned to their Creator.    The lives of th people I have wasted are as numerous as the sand which nobody can count.  I fought a war of my country which is opressed."


EUGENIO PEREZ y PADLANeuperez.jpg (4140 bytes)

       Born November 13, 1896 in the barrio of Obong, Basisita (formerly part of San Carlos City).  Obtained his Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Laws at the University of the Philippines in 1918 and 1922 respectively and pased the Bar in 1926 as 8th place.  He first served as municipal councilor in 1922-1925 and served as Legislature representatives from 1928-1957.  Elected twice as Speaker of the House of Representatives and co-founder of Liberal Party and served as liberal Party President for a long time.



       Founder of Virgen Milagrosa University Foundation educator and medical practitioner.



       Born on July 22, 1958. He took up his collegiate education from Adamson University where he earned a degreee of A.B. Political Science.

        He served as Barangay Captain from 1982 to 1988, as one of the best City Councilor of the city, as City Vice Mayor from 1995 to 1998 and at present, the City Mayor.



        The eldest son of Judge Jack Soriano.   He served the people of San Carlos as defeated City Mayor.  Prior to this, he served as councilor.  Vice Mayor and General Manager of San Carlos Water District.



        Born October 16, 1916, died April 23, 1995.  Served as Commanding Officer of the 1st Bn 1st DNG Regiment, Ramsey's Guerilla from 1942 to 1945.  And as practicing lawyer.

        The lone public servant who served all the three branches of government.  In the legislative branch, as Congressman to the second District, 1965 to 1969.  In the Judiciary, as CFI Judge of Candon Ilocos Sur and Sta Maria, Bulacan from 1971 to 1976.  In the executive branch, s City Mayor from 1976 to 1986.


GENEROSO TULAGAN y DELA CRUZgtulagan.jpg (5322 bytes)

        Born October 2, 1948 at Barrio Tayambani, San Carlos City. He finished his primary and intermediate grades at Talang Central School in 1962 with honors and as Valedictorian of San Luis High School in 1966.   He took up his degree course (B.S. Chemical Engineering)  in MLQU in 1972 and passed the board examinations in 1974.

        He was elected as 3rd District Representative of Pangasinan in 1998 elections.

Congressman Generoso Tulagan in Action

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Patrol Car for Peace and Order

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Bridge Construction Project

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Irrigation Project

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Ultra Sound Machine for the District

