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Send reactions

Are you impressed with that Kanzi can do? Or didn't his (and other apes') performance convince you of the language competence in non-human primates? Did your reading up on this issue change your views on the nature of language or the origin of language? Do the findings reported in the paper affect transformational or autonomous theories on syntax? Or is there, in the end, quite simply no debate and are the researches in the field merely fanatics, as Chomsky would have it?

You've been able to read our opinion at the end of the paper. We would love to know yours! You can send mail to We will try to respond to your comments asap.

[Index Reactions]

Read selected reactions

For the time being, no reactions are being published here. Towards the end of June, we hope to publish a selection of reactions from newsgroups, mailing lists and individuals. For an animated discussion, we refer to the archive of the mailing list at Digest 186 and following relate to the debate on NHPs and language. One of us joined the debate from digest 189 onwards.
If you want to join the mailing list, consult its homepage at and follow the instructions there.

Copyright ©1999 Marian Belsack, Peter De Gryse, Vincent Spincemaille, Lieven Vandelanotte
Page design, based on K.U.Leuven CWIS templates: Lieven Vandelanotte
Page maintained by Peter De Gryse and Lieven Vandelanotte
Last modified: 29 April 1999