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Becky, your wonderful, what more could I say besides we've had a lot of good times lol....Watching the Exorcist, you may of thought it was funny, I didn't... lol.....On New Years lol, so I thought I was going to die no big deal lol....Why is my sister so nosy lol....That clear liquid soup at the Jap restaurant, I only tried it cause you told me to....but the chicken was really good lol...

 Kiersten, you tried to kill me on that tube...I don't think my back was supposed to be able to bend that way like it did...Thanks for all the pain and misery you put me threw, I know you enjoyed every single bit of it.....You popped those kids seesaw!!! It wasn't me and tom, it was you! 

Catherine, you BIT me....I had imprints of your teeth on my arm!!! That actually hurt, I'm afraid to go on the tube again with you, who knows what's going to happen....You had a stamp on your forehead hahaha that was funny, then you drooled and made it worse lol.. 

Justin, I know we had a long talk about this at lunch and all but, just to help you out...The purple teletubie is GAY....That's how Josh knew that there was a upside down triangle on the top of it...Cause it is part of the joke....he doesn't watch the show....

Josh, you cant quit smoking.....who else would I laugh so hard at? No one else can dance quite like you when there high lol...

Mat, we had some good times when we were up in Maine huh lol....Coming in at 2-3 in the morning, taking drinks out of coolers, drinking in front of the illuminated sign, oh shit need some gum lol....Handing out rings to random people lol....We def got to go again....

Tom, exactly how many times have you rolled your quad or fallen off....oh wait that's right, it doesn't count you jumped off lol lol....Good times riding, lets keep it going...

Everyone at Dan's house the night we, that was a lot of fun, many good memories and some not so good ones and some I just don't remember  lol....Alex, I saw you peeing off the porch, I've never seen anyone quite so happy in my life...Jim, thanks for not punching me when I was passed out on the couch, even though I know you spilt your drink on me lol...Jon, you get obsessed with a certain some one when your drunk huh lol....Supposedly I "lost" to Ashley in drinking lol, at least I was a good sport and took the 3 more shots right? I don't remember anything dealing with Christina's mom coming in, that's probably cause I was still passed out on the couch....For everyone I hit on, sorry lol....MY NAMES HABEEB!! thanks for convincing me on that Melissa....Rob, the 2nd cousin of Christ had to start our conversation all over cause you were not calling me by Habeeb lol....Jim, thanks for randomly taking my jeep lol....sure the cops were coming, and why did you even try to ask me for my keys? Not like I remembered where they went lol....The only thing that sucked was the next day, 8 hours of work not a smart thing to drink the night before work....