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Mrs. Dobson's English Classes
at Blackville-Hilda High School

Email Mrs. Dobson
Please feel free to contact me with any of your questions or concerns.

Welcome to my English website!

Important Note:
To view the .pdf documents on this site, you will need to have
Adobe Acrobat Reader (Version 4.0 or later) installed on your computer.

Click here for free download.
After viewing each document, click on your browser's back button to return to this home page.

Assignments and Activities

Click on the underlined links to see directions and/or samples.

Play "Stump the Teacher"!

From your reading, turn in a vocabulary word that Mrs. Dobson can't define,
and earn 3 bonus points on your weekly vocabulary assignment!
But keep it fair... no technical language or specialized jargon allowed.


DISCUS from home or school

Available resources include SIRS (Social Issues Resource Series), Gale Group's InfoTrac, and Grolier Online Multimedia Encyclopedia. There is a wealth of information here, including a database of legal articles, a health and wellness database, a biography resource center, a business database, and many, many articles of interest on current topics. See your media specialist for more information about DISCUS.

* These sites are provided through South Carolina's public libraries, schools and colleges by DISCUS--South Carolina's Virtual Library. (See your school media specialist for the current username/password.)
DISCUS funding is provided by the South Carolina General Assembly, with supplemental funding from the federal Library Services and Technology Act. DISCUS is administered by the South Carolina State Library.

Other Sites Where You Can Find
Writing/Research Help Online

Research & Writing: Step by Step
Basic Guide to Essay Writing
Citing World Wide Web Pages
This page shows how APA and MLA and others cite websites.
My preference for citations in my classes is as follows:
Author's name (Last name first). Title.
Posting date (or copyright date). Online.
Internet. Access date. Available
<web address (URL)>.
Dobson, C. F. Mrs. Dobson's English Classes at Blackville-Hilda High School.
21 October, 2002. Online. Internet. 15 December, 2002.
Available <>.
Google--A Great Search Engine
Google Image Search

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Neferchichi's Tomb: Miscellaneous Clip Art

Thank you for visiting my pages at Angelfire. Please come back and visit again!

Copyright © C. F. Dobson, 2001-2003.

This page was created on February 20, 2001,
and last updated on August 7, 2003.

Created and maintained by M. S. Ward
Email Webmaster

Email Mrs. Dobson: