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Megaman The Blue Bomber

Hi Welcome to the Megaman portion of our page this used to be the main page but were working our asses off to make this page perfect. We are finally getting this page started after almost two years of being on-line.So this is the first page we ever did on back when we used to be called Megaman the Fighting Robot and Other Stuff.Now we are Anime Realm. Well enjoy our site and check out the rest of the pages.Arigatou.


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Megaman Music Store


Update.Have you played Megamanx5 yet or Megaman Ledgends 2 or Megaman Extream. Alot has been hapening for Megaman in the Year 2001 I hope every one enjoys the New Megaman games they just keep getting better and better. Game boy advance is now out and coming soon is the Blue Bombers newest adventure more about that later. 6/23/01

And now well tell you the story of mega man as custom to our pages at the start of each page well have the story behind the anime.Megaman started out as a house hold robot with his sister Roll. Dr.Light also made another robot named Proto man(oh and by the way Megaman's name is Rock)to help mankind he had an assitant named Dr. Wily and together they created six robots also to help mankind they were Cutman,Gutman,Iceman,Fireman,Bombman,and Electricman(or Elecman).

But one night Dr.Wily snuck into Dr.lights laband he took Protoman andthe other six robots.Dr.Light woke up and found out that his lab had been broken into and his creations stolen and Dr.Wily was gone he had his own motives to reprogram the robots and make them do his own evil biddings to destroy the world.Dr. LIght needed to create a super robot to stop Dr. Wily from destroying the city and the world. So Then bravly Rock volenteered to stop the robots .Then Dr.LIght modified Rock for battle purposes and thus Mega man was born.

The newly named Megaman stoped Dr.Wily. And ever since then Megaman has stoped Dr.Wily on 7 seperate occsions here they are :mm2=Flashman,Metalman,Woodman,Heatman,Bubbleman,Airman,Quickman,Crashman,mm3=HArdman,Needleman,Topman,Geminiman,Snakeman,Sparkman,magnetman,Shadowman.mm4=Toadman,Brightman,Ringman,Diveman,Skullman,Dustman,Drillman,Pharrowman.mm5=Crystalman,Chargeman,Gyroman,Gravityman,Napalmman,Starman,Waveman,Stoneman.mm6=Centarman,Blizzardman,Flameman,Knightman,Plantman,Tamohawkman,Yamatoman,Windman.mm7=(these may not be correct and some may be missing)Burstman,Cloudman,Slashman,Shademan,Springman,Turboman.MM8=Tenguman,Astroman,Swordman,Clownman,Searchman,Frostman,Grenademan,and Aquaman. Well thats it Oh yeah and for any one who wants to Know about Rockman And Forte here are some of the enemys I have seen Astroman(again),groundman,Coldman,Burnerman,And Pirateman.

  • Megaman X takes place 30 years in the future after Megaman.Dr.Light Created a perfect robot and set it to activate 30 years in the future. This new robot is like an upgrade for Megaman He thinks and does everthing for his own will he's almost exactly like a human with feelings and emotions.Dr.Light was worried about one thing what if this robot was turrned onto the evil side that would make him unstopable to mankind the whole human race would be wiped out.Dr.Light knowing that he would not be alive when X awakened planted a message on X's capsle giving him presise instructions of what to do.He also put for other capsle's all around the earth with X armor upgrades to make X stronger if he found them.When X awoke he joined th mavric hunters quest to kill all mavrics and He trained under the more advanced Zero to learn the ways of the future.He had to train hard cause in this world he had to face a threat more powerfle than Dr.Wily And he goes by the name of Sigma.

  • Codes for megamn games:
  • Megaman 1 :None
  • Megaman 2:A5,B2,4,C1,3,5,D4,5,E2
  • Megaman 3:Doc robot stage:Blue:A3,B5,D3,f4,:Red:A6.
  • Protoman mini stage:Blue:A1,3,B2,5,D3,F4,:Red:A6.
  • Dr.Wilys stage:BlueA1,3,B2,5,D3,F4:Red:A6,E1
  • Megaman 4:A1,4,B5,E2,F1,3
  • Megaman 5:Blue:B4,D6,F1.Red:C1,D4,F6.
  • Megaman 6:B6,D4,F2,4,6
  • Megaman 7:All items:7853,5856,2245,7515,
  • All weapons:8275,7416,1442,2163,
  • Street fighter mode on mm7 :coming soon.
  • Megaman 8:Game shark:invincible:8015ezaa2d00
  • Megamanx:5447,4177,4536.
  • Megamanx2:coming soon
  • Megamanx3:coming soon
  • Megamanx4:Balck Zero:At charicure selct screen highlight Zero and hold r1 and press right (6)release all buttons and hpld circle and press start.
  • Alternate X:At charicure select highlight X and press circle (2) left(6)Hold L1 and R2 and press start.After you beat the intro level goto the Spiders level and go to the secret capsle to get a full Black armor suit with Huge x cannon And UNlimeted use Of Super Nova ,Hover boots And Unlimeted use of any other powers you get later on.
  • Megaman Ledgends:Kick the can in the mall into the bakery window for 1000 zenny you can do this as many times as you want.
  • Miss advn of Tron Bonne :Game Shark:d30c 8620 0070 800c 8620 10f0

    Megaman roms

    Rockman1(same as megaman1)