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~ Reminiscing with Trudy ~

I wish to dedicate this page
to all Mothers,
in memory of my Mother,
who left us in 1967 at the age of 80.

It was from my dear mother that
my children and I inherited
our love of good music.

The words to the following verses express my feelings quite well.

Viennese Refrain

An old refrain is always haunting me,
I heard in childhood, at my Mother's knee.
There in the candle light, so tenderly,
She'd sing a song that lives in memory.
A strain of happiness that dearer grows,
A hymn of love that just a Mother knows.
And as my tired eyes began to close.
At peace with all the world, I'd find repose.
Gone are those happy days so Heaven sent
If I could live them over I'd be content,
Now every night when shadows cover me,
I miss that old refrain of memory.

~~ Werner ~~

Since we published Trudy's Place
in March 1999, it has been my joy
to meet so many people
from so many different places!

And everyone seems like a friend.
As one of the Disney songs says,
"It's a small world after all."

At"Trudys Place" we began this journey as we were preparing to celebrate my 85th Birthday. I never mentioned my husband, but I want to tell about the coincidences in our lives.

We were married on my 25th birthday, May 14, 1939.
He was buried on my 71st birthday, May 14, 1985.

We were together for 46yrs!

My first daughter, Camilla is now
living in Nevada. She has one daughter
Melissa, one grandson, Bryce. They
make their home in Nevada, too.
Why do families get so far apart?

On my 73rd birthday, May 14, 1987, my daughter, Cynthia, and her husband, presented me with a special present.

A beautiful new granddaughter!
She was named Sarah Jane, for my mother and my grandmother.

This is Sarah Jane with me on
Mother's Day, 2000.

Sarah Jane and her sister Christine,
have studied Piano and love to sing.

Cindy's son Steven is living near the
east coast. He is a very special young man.
Still plays his Saxaphone with a couple of
neighbors, when he isn't working.

My son Tony continued playing the clarinet through High Scool,
but he played the drums at home.
Now he has a son who is a very talented drummer in his High School band.
Tony has a younger son who hasn't decided what he wants to do!

Jerry has three children, and 5 grands.
The oldest son, still plays the drums!
All three of his children are married, and
I think they are too busy with family and
their work, to be much interested in music
other than CDs and Tapes.

This was written by my
Great-grandfather, to his son,
who was a soldier serving in the
Confederate army in Virginia. <

This letter (cast into poetry) was furnished by the Historical Society of Union County, North Carolina.

My son you've heard the cannons roar
And seen the smoke arise:
The earth all stained with human gore,
Where thousands slaughtered lie.
May the same hand preserve your life
That gave you first to me;
Amidst this cruel bloody strife
I now do plainly see.

May the same hand forever be
Your shield and hiding place,
And bring my precious child to see
His father face to face.
Oh how it would my sorrows soothe
And make my heart rejoice,
To see the son I so muchlove
And once more hear his voice.

Farewell, farewell my precious child,
If you no more I see,
Be humble, patient, brisk and mild
And often write to me.
And if on earth we meet no more
Oh may we meet above,
Where dreadful cannons cease to roar
And all is peace and love.

~The Rev. Solomon Snyder~

Footnote: The son came home and followed in his father's footsteps becoming the Rev. Stadler Snyder of Union County, NC.

~ Music That I Like ~

~Some Favorite Poetry~

~ Trudy's Place ~

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