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BHS Science Department

Mrs. Isler's Information

Instructor: Carol Isler   

Room: 103

Phone Number: (864)949-2355  Ext: 340


Go to Critical Thinking Question of the Week


Mrs. Carol Isler

Semester Schedule

Aug.- Dec. 2000

1st Period

2nd Period

3rd Period

4th Period

C.P. Physical Science


C.P. Chemistry I

C.P. physical Science



12:01- 1:38


Critical Thinking Question of the Week:
Jon studied this balanced reaction:

Zn (s) +  2HCl (aq)  -->  ZnCl2 (aq)  +   H2(g)

He wrote the following statement about coefficients:

Coefficients in a balanced equation represent the relative

 volume, number of moles, number of particles, and masses of

 the reactants and products.  What inaccurate assumption(s)

 did Jon make in writing this statement?

You may answer this on your own notebook paper and turn it

 in to Mrs. Isler by 8:00am on test day or answer by email

 before test day.


This page updated 10/02/2000