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Heaven's Inspirational Poetry† Heaven's Inspirational Poetry †

Hello again. I thought it would be nice to attach some poetry to my homepage, so I chose some that was inspirational to share with all of you. I hope you will all enjoy reading it as much as I have enjoyed writing it. 'S'

Jesus Loves Me


Little Mary, the youngest angel,

Played her harp all day in the clouds.

All the lambs would dance,

Frolic and follow Mary around.

One day Jesus sent for Mary

To play and sing for Him a song.

But when she go to her tree house

To get her harp, it was gone!

All the angels looked at Mary

As she flew across the clouds in tears.

"Help me! Help me!" Mary cried.

"My harp is missing! It isnt here!"

Jesus put out His hand to calm her.

"Do you trust Me, Mary?" He asked...

"Yes I trust You very much, Jesus,"

Mary sobbed as she sat on His lap.

"Then you know I'd let no harm come to your harp.

I sent an angel, you see

To fetch it for you so you could play,"

Said Jesus to Mary upon His knee.

Mary smiled and thought 'Jesus loves me'!

The angels rejoiced and shouted "Amen"!

Then Mary got down and picked up her harp,

Looked up at Jesus and played just for Him.


© Heaven

Another Prayer


Jesus, I come to You again

Because I need a friend

Right now.

I feel so scared,

And I'm unprepared

To deal, somehow.

I need Your strength,

For this night has length

That wont let me sleep.

Help my spirit rise...

Help me lift my eyes

Up from this deep.

Sweet Father, hold me;

Mold me...

Help me find the truth.

Please put Your arms around

This life I'm bound

Out of my youth.

I know there's a better way,

A more exciting day,

That's bound to come along.

Hear my tender prayer.

Lord, I know You're there

Even when I'm wrong.

Please forgive me of all sin.

I pray to start again

In a new light.

Please protect us from harm,

And keep the children warm

On a cold night.

And I thank You for the way

You start a new day

With the sun.

I could never, ever repay

What You've done for me today,

Or for what You've ever done!

Sweet Father, hold me...

Mold me...

Help me find the truth.

Please put Your arms around

This life I'm bound

Out of my youth.

I know there's a better way...

A more exciting day

That's bound to come along.

Hear my tender prayer.

Lord, I know You're there,

Even when I'm wrong.

Please hear my tender prayer.

Lord, I know You're there...

Please help me to be strong.


© Heaven

Prayer For Strength


Let the peace of the night

Calm over me, Lord.

May my mind drift to sleep

On the wisdom of Your word.

Take this worry from me,

And this weight off my shoulder.

Help me to carry

The weight of this boulder.

Touch my children as they sleep

With a peace, through the night.

Keep my thoughts above water...

Dont let me drown in this fight.

I will try to be very strong;

To do this thig that I must do.

And should I stumble or faulter,

I will lean upon You.



© Heaven

This is a poem I wrote for my grandson, Christian. 'S' I thank God every day that I am able to wake and see his wonderful face...and pray I will always be there for him. But as we all know, sometimes things arent always as we want them to be. So, this is for little monkey. 'S'


For Christian


I watch your face

All through the day.

I see you run,

Jump, laugh and play.

You seem so happy.

You are all boy. 'S'

And it takes very little

To bring you joy.

But you are only

Three years old,

And this old world

Can be so cold.

So, in my prayers

I pray for Jesus

To send a Guardian Angel

That always sees us.

And when I'm gone

And it's just you,

I pray our Angel

To still be true.

Keeping you safe

And wrapped in God's love,

So we may, one day,

Be together above.


© Heaven