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Unwanted Involvement

by Shelby ©

Like a stick stuck in the mud,
Morning finds you sitting motionless.
By the time nightfall comes around,
Life is in a state of disorderliness.

People might be getting down on you,
For not adding your share of peas to the pot.
Living seem only to get crazier,
Even if you gave it your best shot.

Someone might be rattling your cage,
You're wanting to just turn your head.
Realizing that a more peaceful agreement,
Will ensue if your opinions are left unsaid.

You use caution when talking to other people,
You try to think before you speak.
Making sure discussions won't turn into hurtful gossip,
You remember your spiritual strength is weak.

Decisions may become harder to make,
When you find yourself once again on center stage.
You try to extricate yourself from the situation,
Hoping your emotional involvement fades away.

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