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I Am

by Shelby ©

I had a talk with the Lord,
Little did I know.
He's been here all along,
He's every where I go.

We talk about who I am,
Why life had so many turns.
If happiness was a frame of mind,
Why lessons are so hard learned.

Can one really be loved,
Their flaws over looked.
Why I misunderstand,
The instructions in the "Book".

Was my life a waste of time,
For dying I did not fear.
Without hesitation He spoke,
His answer very clear.

I am here to comfort you,
Any time day or night.
I will be here to listen,
When your life doesn't seem right.

I will forgive you,
For mistakes you have made.
Yes my child,
There is life beyond the grave.

You wrestled all your life,
With feeling of inferiority.
Having worth and importance,
Your life is very valuable.

Your life seems like a struggle,
With battles seldom won.
I will prepare a place for you,
When your time comes.

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