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Lost Dreams

by Shelby ©

I've tried to become,
What others want me to be.
And in the process,
I've lost the real me.

What happen to the dreams,
I had as a child.
The happy ones,
That always made me smile.

Dreams of a ballerina,
Dancing with stylish elegance.
Or traveling the world,
Perhaps living in France.

Dreams of a singer,
With a melody so sweet.
The veterinarian,
Having animals to treat.

Dreams of a writer,
Stories I could of wrote.
Or the oceans of blue,
And a little sailing boat.

Dreams of a home,
With a white picked fence.
To soar like the eagle,
Grasping nature's sixth sense.

Dreams are just dreams,
Reality becomes so unfair.
I have settled for a life,
Without any dreams there.

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