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New Day

by Shelby ©

Its early in the morning,
She awake from a troubled sleep.
Sitting on the side of the bed,
Hanging her head, she weeps.

Where has the time gone,
She wonders in disbelief.
From this troubled soul,
She seek only relief.

Lifetime of regrets,
Weight heavy on her mind.
Weary from the struggles,
If only from life she could resign.

She utters sounds of hopelessness,
Wipes the tears from her eyes.
Her misery buried deep inside,
The pain she will disguise.

No one never needs to know,
The hurt she hold within.
In her make believe world,
To be happy, she will pretend.

As she drift off back to sleep,
Her dreams she pushes away.
She thinks to herself,
Tomorrow will bring a new day.

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