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Not Today

by Shelby ©

Today my love,
I won't think of you.
If your name is mentioned,
I will simply just ask, "who".

It won't matter,
If I hear that certain song.
All will be forgotten,
Your memory is gone.

I won't run to answer,
When the phone rings.
If its not your voice I hear,
No tears will it bring.

I won't have day dreams,
About your gentle touch.
I will persuade my heart,
I don't love you that much.

I won't look at your pictures,
I'll put them back on the shelf.
I will reschedule my time,
I'm completely content by myself.

I won't dream of you tonight,
Or think of you endlessly.
I'll have no more lonely nights,
Sleep will come easily.

I'll pray the Lord to forgive me,
For these words are untrue.
He's the only one who loves you,
More then I do.

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