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Sighing Wind

by Shelby ©

She watched as day turn to night,
While the moon danced across the sky.
Was it the sparkles of the stars,
Or was it the twinkling little fire flies.

Soft warn breeze gently blows,
Through trees she hears the sighing wind.
Underlying loneliness the only sound,
As timidness emotion rising again

Without any resolve nor self-control,
Her uncertainty erupts once more.
As thoughts of him possess her mind,
Loving him she'd never be sorry for.

Masking divisions of reality,
Blocking the presence of another.
Distinctly separated from the first,
A confused multitude of things smolder.

How much there is of 'love',
Is that something you cannot measure.
Love burn slowly within the heart,
Without a flame or wanting pleasure.

Not able to fulfill a fervid need,
Caught within bounds of self-deception.
'Love' that occurred at the beginning,
Becomes a foolish misconception.

Lacking good sense of reversal judgment,
Her memories of him she'll always keep.
Like the sigh of the wind through the tree,
She hang her head, she begin to weep.

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